Lost in Confusion

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Jacob 80%
Rick 85%
Dusty 50%
Oscar 75%
Lanna 70%
Mark 75%
Angela 85%
Kari 90%
Mary 90%
Tommy 90%
1:30 am~before dawn~abandoned mines (Jacob,Rick)
Jacob and Rick both weighed their options. Both sat, scanning both ways, looking to see what bore the better option.
Jacob: Let's get over to that entranceThat way is back towards the guest house. I mean that's our best chance of popping out somewhere we know. Make sure your head cam is on. I'm telling you, we could get some fucked up shit on this live stream.
Jacob slowly began to slide into the water. Stopping every few seconds to allow his body to adjust slightly to the freezing temperature. After repeating the process a few times, he slid all the way in.
Jacob: FUCK!!!
Jacob barked, showing obvious disinterest in the temperature of the water. Rick followed behind.
Rick: God dammit, I can't exactly say I agree with your choice, but, too late now.
Within minutes they had reached the other side, and heaved their way out of the water. They stood there for a minute to attempt to dry off in the cold, damp air of the mine, which still had a stale taste to it.
Rick: If we wanna get back by dawn, we should get moving.
1:45 am~before dawn~lodge main trail (Dusty)
Dusty pulled up at the base of the main trail. After waiting for a moment to see if Mark was gonna come through the gate he opened his truck door and stepped out. He walked up the trail a bit before coming to the main gate. After opening the thirty pounds of steel. He walked onto the property. Only to be met by Mark and Angela.
Dusty: You ready boy?
Dusty~Strong~Independent~Realistic   Mark's Collage Roommate
Mark looked back with a face that showed panic. Angela shared the expression.
Mark: Did you not just hear Kari scream, something's wrong. And plus we're the same age.
Angela and Mark both took off at a jog around the house in search of the scream. Dusty shook his dusty blond head and followed after. Upholstering his pistol, he found the male and female at a "fork" if you would. There's a trail of footprints that lead into the woods. These looked like high heeled boots. The next had three sets. Two looked like they were trying to get away from something, MUCH bigger.
Dusty: Alright, pick a trail.
Angela turned in protest, she spoke to Dusty with a time of concern.
Angela: Um... Dusty I really don't think its a good idea to split up right about now.
Dusty slowly turned to the woman who had an obviously good reason to be scared.
Dusty: All right, you and Mark go that way, I'll go this way.
Does Dusty follow #TracksIntoWoods or #TracksDownTrail
1:53 am~before dawn~lodge spare guest house trail (Oscar,Lanna)
Oscar walked up onto the porch with Lanna following close behind. He slowly reached for the door before Tommy and Mary burst from the woods.
Tommy: Go open the door!!!
Oscar gave a confused look until a creature burst out of the woods right after Tommy. Mary reached the porch before Tommy did, with Kari not to far behind him after she emerged from the woods. He began struggling with the locked handle of the door. He had two options, take his jacket and rap it around his hand, and break the window on the door or the window next to the door and reach in and unlock thee door.
Does he go break through the #door or #window
1:57 am~before dawn~abandoned mines (Jacob,Rick)
Rick and Jacob walked for almost fifteen minutes down the mines winding paths, with no end in sight. Soon they came to a tunnel that was so dark you couldn't see your hand even if it was touching your face.
Rick: I know there should be a lantern somewhere near here.
Jacob shook his head in agreement and began the trek backwards into the tunnel leading to the room they entered from to look for a lantern. Rick began moving the crates and barrels in search of one. Finally he looked up and seen one hanging from the ceiling.
Rick: Yes, haha, come on, let's see if you work.
He looked for his lighter, which he kept on him, even though none of them smoked. He twisted the knob, lifting the glass up. He smiled and let out a deep breath, happy to see that its good this far. He then twisted another knob. Absolutely surprised to see the gas shooting out. He let out a sigh of relief lighting it. The area lit up like the 4th of July.
Rick: Tada. Hey Jacob I got one, and it works!
Rick sat for a moment, waiting for a response holding the lantern close to his face, but the only response was the same earsplitting shriek from before. Rick jumped back words. Does he #GobackforJacob or #LeaveJacob

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