Chapter 1

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"Get up fag it's time for school." My dad called. I get out of bed immediately so I won't have to get a beating at 6:30 in the morning. By the way I'm Nick , I have black hair, blue eyes, and a black lip piercing I wasn't supposed to get but did it any fucking way. Today was I-I-I meant school. My bestfriend Charlie would be there because I haven't seen her in 3 months.

My dad said I would not be doing any thing this summer but that was a lie. Today I wore my black jeans, a plaid flannel, black vans and a Nirvana T-shirt.  I grabbed my bag and headed toward the door but of course I was stopped by my damn excuse for a dad.

"Listen Nick have a good day at school and try not to get into trouble." He said with emphasis on not.

" Right, I'll see you at 3 bye." I said and left. I walked to school by myself as usual which I didn't mind but I really wanted to see Charlie. "Hey fag what you doing walking by yourself waiting for your boyfriend." A guy that goes to my school. "Oh shove it Lenny." I say. He smirks and drives off.

I finally arrive at school and as soon as I enter the corridor Lenny and his jerk crew are already picking a fight with somebody. I walk past not noticing well trying not to notice.

I walk over to Charlotte's Locker which ironically she's by mine and we walk over to each other.

She gives me one of her big bear hugs , " I haven't seen you all summer babes, I missed you a hell of a lot." She said in her sexy raspy voice. " Yeah you know me always stuck in the damn house bc my excuse for a  fucking father ." I say glowering.


"Shit. First two weeks of school and I'm already in damn trouble... come on Charlie." I said. Charlie and I walk down the hall to the Principals office and only to find the Principal Jacob and a new kid. I thought to myself damn he's hot. I bit my lip and got a little hard trying to suppress my butterflies o
in my stomach.

" Hi Nick, This is our new kid , Luke." Principal Jacob said. Call me ruthless but I couldn't give two fucks if there's another kid it's just more humiliation from another person. "And why should I care he's probably just another person that's gonna humiliate me." I cracked. " No, I want you to show him around and become his friend he can join your small circle of friends I don't care but you can't neglect him." He says smirking.

"Thanx you officially ruined my damn day... I meant day." I said. " Right now go on." He said and walked bout into his office and continued his work. " Man he is such a dick." I said. "Chill out." Charlie said. " Oh By the way Luke I'm Nick and this is Charlie." I said. " Yeah you already know my name." Luke said.

Luke was actually really hot. He wore a beanie, a black shirt, vans and wore black thick glasses. "So are you to like boyfriend and girlfriend."Luke inquired. " I started choking on the air around me. " Nooooo, Nick is as gay as a rainbow well a unicorn riding on a rainbow." Charlie. said.

My cheeks turned a flush of pink and I was feeling quite embarrassed. " Oh sorry Nick, Im actually gay myself as gay as a unicorn riding on a rainbow or whatever Charlie said." Luke confessed. I suddenly had the urger to kiss his pink lips.

. I kept walking with my two and only friends. I wanted to ask Luke out but not in front of Charlie.

What would he say. Would he say yes. Would he say no. Who knows

I ran home and what do you know my dad was waiting at the door with his belt ready to beat me. " Hey Dad,how was your day?" I ask. " It was good and yours." He replied back. "Okay Principal Jacob assigned me to watch over somebody this new kid called Luke he's really cool I'm starting to kinda like him." I said.

" What's you just say?" He said. " I said I was starting to like the kid he's cool." I said. The next thing I knew my dad's belt hit my face. " What the hell is wrong with you?" I say. " Your gay aren't you."He questioned. " No." I lied.  He hit me again. He hit me again. " Go to your room you faggot."He said. I ran upstairs into my room and slammed the door and locked it behind me.

I plopped on my bed and started my homework which was super easy. My dad padded downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I then peeked out my door and ran into the bathroom to pee.

I didn't want to get caught so I peed fast and ran back into my room and locked it behind me.

I hate him so much that sometimes I think about killing him in his damn sleep but I'd rather obey his rules than go to jail with a bunch of idiots.


The next morning Dad wasn't home so I got dressed and wore vans a black and blue shirt with a plaid blue flannel.

I walked to school but this time Luke offered to walk me and so did Charlie. We all walked to school quickly bc free period today was 90 minutes and we wanted to make each minute count.

"So how was everyones night?" Charlie asked. " It was okay my dad got mad at me though always but I didn't care." I immediately said. " Yeah it wad okay I had this onr person on my mind that I could not stop thinking about." Luke said.

I wondered if he meant me or was it really someone else. What if he didn't like me or low key really freaking hated me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a the intercom calling my name. "Shit. What the fuck I didn't even do anything ... well not yet."I said with utter disgust.

I walker down the corridor with Charlie and Luke. " What did I do this time."I asked. " Nothing I called you here because I wanted to say that you were improving from our last visit." Mr. Jacob said.

I almost thought he was lying , but now that I think about it I have been doing better. " Thanx Mr. Jacobs I didn't know." I said and left. Charlie and Luke followed right after me.

"What the fuck just happened?" Charlie just said. " I don't fucking know but that was some crazy shit." I said. " How about we go to the lair after school." I asked. "That sounds cool." Charlie said. " I don't know what the hell that us." Luke said dumbfound.

" It's where Charlie and I hangout after school its in the woods though so bring your phone,charger,headphones,boots,sleeping bag,tooth brush, toothpaste,and food." I exclaimed.

"So basically we'll be camping?" Luke questioned. "No we'll be camping inside trust me its gonna be fun and you will have your own room." I said.

I went home and packed a few stuff before my Dad came home and I left a note saying I was going to be gone for three days.

My dad probably understands by now.

Authors Note : Chapter 2 coming soon!And plz critise my work bc this is my first time writing a book Also there will be 20 Chapters to this book so plz look out for those - Chicken606

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