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Edward was acting very weird so I decided to check up on him at his house after school. School went by so slow. I was happy when the bell rang. I hurried up and got into my Chevy. As I drove to the Cullen house I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Shaking the feeling off I continued to drive to the Cullen house.
     When I got there nobody greeted me. I walked into the house. I started to here grunting and groaning. Frowning I walked up the steps thinking it was Rosalie and Emmet. Ugh. As I neared Edwards room it got louder. I peeked Edwards door open. What I saw horrified me. Edward and Alice were in the bed. I suddenly felt angry. I closed the door and ran outside. I got into my Chevy and drove to my house. I ran upstairs and slammed my door. He said he wouldn't hurt me again. Hr promised. He said he would make up for leaving me. Angry I got up and changed my clothes.( pic above) I then texted jasper and told him to come here now. Not long a tap came at the window. I opened it and jasper jumped in. He sat on my bed and turned to me.
"Hello. You texted.", his southern accent peaked out. U didn't know he had a southern accent.
"You have a southern accent?", I whispered.
"Yeah. I hide it from Alice. She doesn't like it.", he answered.
"Well I think its nice. Better.", I complimented with smile.
"So you needed something. Your emotions are hate, anger, and sadness.", Jasper said. I took a reap breath.
"I need to tell you something. I have a plan on revenge as well so don't kill them. OK?", I said seriously. He nodded uncertain.
"OK? Put me on your back and go into the woods.", I demanded. I'm strung on his back and we jumped out the window. Wind blows in my face. He stopped.
"Ok. What you want to tell me?", he asked. I took another breath.
"Jasper. Alice and Edward cheated on us. I saw them", tears were in my eyes. I sat on the floor. I hear a loud noise then I look up and see a tree flying.
"Jasper. I'm sorry.", I whispered. Jasper came to me. He sat beside me.
"No need to be sorry darlin'. It is them that need to be sorry. Now what's this plan?", he asked. A smile went on my face.
"Let's be really mean to them. We are going to act like bff's. Were going to give them the cold shoulder. Then we are going to...actually I don't know what's next. How bout you choose?", I asked him. I turned in his lap and looked at him. He stared at me. I tried to lighten the mood.
"What do I have something on my face?", I asked. He cracked a smile.
"How about we do things that we would do with them?", he said. I smiled.
"Perfect. Your a genius.", I said. "Now. Can you take me home. Its kinda cold out here.", I said. Next thing I know we are in my room. After I get dressed I lay in my bed.
"Could you lay with me?", I asked.
"Sure", Jasper agreed. Jasper played next to me on my bed.
"Goodnight. Sweet dreams.", Jasper whispered in my ear. Before I could say good night back, darkness takes over.

Bella and JasperWhere stories live. Discover now