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I stared into the eyes of Edward. The eyes that once made me feel weak on my knees. But not anymore. He looked right back at me. Curiosity and anger playing roles in them. When I rolled my eyes at him, his eyes flashed with anger.
Plopping down on my bed, I layed down.

" What do you want?", I groaned. Mostly out of sleepiness and anger. He looked as if he was about to sit next to me so I rolled around to where I was taking up the whole bed. He just shrugged and sat in the rocking chair.

" Why were to spending time with Jasper, Bella? He is to dangerous for you to be around." He accused. I sat up and glared icily at him.

" You don't know who the fuck Jasper is. You have no right calling him dangerous. Get out my room or I'm calling Charlie.", I threatened. He mumbled something and then got up. When he was right next to the window he looked at me again and I turned my head childishly away. I heard him sigh.

" Don't let the window hit you on the way out. On second thought, let it.", I said, venom coating every world. When I was sure that he was gone, I layed down. Staring at the ceiling I thought of everything that happened. My boyfriend cheated on me with my so called best friend. Joining forces with Jasper. Not to mention the wolves. I should really just get some sleep and think in the morning.


When I woke up, I was feeling freshed and energized. Like I just took that five hour enegry stuff. I was having such a nice time in bed. How could you not. It's all warm and soft. I let my heard turn lazily. I then came face to face with my clock. The time read 6:53. My brain didn't catch up in time with my mouth. For it was screaming the word no. I had 7 minutes to shower, get dressed, brush teeth, do make up and get to school. I dashed out of bed to do everything I had to do. Once I seemed myself ready, I hopped in my truck and got to school with 30 seconds to spare.

When I jumped out my truck I looked towards the Cullens. When I seen Jasper I skipped my way to him. He held his hand out for me to take and I grabbed it. Growls surrounded us. Thats when I realized we weren't alone.

" Bella. What are you doing with him? I thought I explained to you that he wasn't say to be with. And why is there makeup on you're face?", Edward exasperated. What he said just made my blood boil.

" Oh, fuck off Edward! As I told you Jasper is not dangerous. And when that bitch, " I point to Alice, " does my makeup, you have no fucking problem with it. Now let me tell you what dangerous right now. Me. If you don't stop fucking bitching, I will call the Volturi down and make them rain on your ass!", I shouted, glad that no other students where in the parking lot. Gasps came upon them.

" Jazzy! Will you let her call me that?", the bitch whined. Jasper just smirked.

" As a matter of fact, I will", Jasper told her. Alice cried in defiance. Edward was still shocked. But then Rosalie came towards me.

" You do not talk to them that way!", Rosalie screeched towards me.

" Then what the fuck did I just do!", I growled at her. Her eyes turned black.

" You bitch!", she yelled.

" Whore!", I countered

" Slut!"

" Jealous cunt!"

" Spoiled brat!"

" Husband issues!", I smirked. She growled loudly at me knowing exactly what I was talking about. The bell rang long ago and I was glad to be out here and call Rosalie everything I wanted. I knew that this will take a while.

" Bella! Why would you talk to you're sister like that!", came Carlisle's voice. I rolled my eyes. I then said the words no one was prepared for.

" Bite me"


I hope everyone likes the chapter. If you have any questions ask them right here 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉
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