Totally Fabulous 1

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_A/N: So I took someone's adivce and started re-writing this story. There are no major differences here, I just think the characters are a bit more defined now. I hope you'll read and stay with me.

23/04/2012- I edited this story again and decided that the chapters are too long so I'm breaking them up into smaller parts. I hope u guys understand.

10/07/2012- I decided I was going to stick with my longer chapters, so here they are.


x annie x_

Chapter One

The new student walked down the deserted hallway of Oakridge High School in her new hot high heels. She click-clacked away, deliberately neglecting to say goodbye to her mother who was standing a few paces behind her with the principal.

Under normal circumstances, she would have been happy or just plain grateful that someone was seeing her off on her first day at a new school in a new place; but her case couldn’t exactly be classified under ‘normal’, and it was just as she had told the principal; she was a big girl now and could take care of herself. She didn’t need any body new waltzing into her life and turning it upside down, just as she didn’t need anybody escorting her to class to ease the ‘absorption process’.

Taking the first turn indicated on the map the principal had given her, she noticed that that day was the clichéd first day of the rest of her life. It was the start of a new life away from the glitz and glamour of being the only daughter of Jake Edwards, the CEO of Edwards Incorporated, and the face of Genéva, a leading fashion company in New York. A new life away from her father, and he had not even been bothered to come see her off and officially send her on her way.

However, she loved him too much to complain.

She walked the last series of lockers before taking the final turn and facing the door to her first class, Biology. She was incredibly late already and the principal saying that her teacher was ‘one of those progressive types’ didn’t do anything to allay her fears. The last thing she needed was a hippie teacher who thought he was very up-to-date on the happenings in the modern world. She raised an elegant hand and knocked the door twice before pushing it open. The noise level in the class was a sharp contrast to the perfect tranquillity of the hallway behind her. The teacher didn’t seem to mind that his class was on the verge of rowdiness, he seemed to encourage it.

The noise ceased dramatically as the students glared at the new arrival. She gauged their reactions as they took in her obviously expensive appearance.

She was wearing a Genéva original which will not hit the stores in major cities for another three weeks and the stores in Oakridge for two months. She didn’t expect anyone here to appreciate or even recognize true quality if it were a truck emblazoned with ‘I’m True Quality’ that ran them over back and forth a hundred times. Some of the students nodded or smiled appreciatively. Some of them actually snorted in dislike. The rest just looked at her dismissively, probably thinking she was just another spoilt rich brat coming to take over their precious out-of-the-way school. She didn’t think they had a lot of the rich spoilt bratty types though.

She held her head high and moved towards the teacher.

“Good morning, sir,” she said, politely.

The teacher gave a very broad, very welcoming smile and held out his hand. She liked the man already. Shaking your students, she mused as she took the hand and shook it, way to go, man!

“Morning to you too, miss,” the teacher replied in the same polite tone of voice.

“I’m Cathy,” she said, touching her chest by way of introduction. “I have this from the principal,” she held out the note she got from the principal and watched the teacher browse through it.

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