The birthday

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He woke up, the time was here. Like everyday for the past few years, he ate breakfast alone, got ready and walked towards the high school to see her.
Years had passed since he began the mission, now the day was finally here but he was not excited at all.
It was going to be her seventeenth birthday and her powers would awake at midnight. Things were about to change and not for the better. He wished for more time, but no amount of prayer was gonna help him, he hoped that his strength was enough to protect her.
His name was Alonso and he was a demon. His job for the past fifteen years had been to observe and protect the daughter of the demon lord Alexander that had died ambushed by the council (a group of demons trying to start a war with the gods). Alexander had been the most beloved and successful demon lord of all time, with his great power he had rallied all demon clans under one banner and achieved peace with the gods thus ending the war.
Alonso's job wasn't easy, while he observed the princess at school he had seen others taunting her and while he wanted to intervene, his mere presence could reveal her location.
He was going to have to sleep outside the princess home tonight. As soon as her powers awaken, she'd be able to be sensed by other demons.
After school, she walked the same route home as she always did. Alonso noticed something different, there was two guys in black  following her too.
"Damn, its too soon" (he said to himself).
As they walked following the unaware princess, Alonso snuck behind them, and disposed of them using only his fists. He could've used magic but he might alert others causing more trouble than necessary at this point.
Alonso was nobility, he had been the right hand man of the demon lord. His mom was a demon princess from a different clan. He had never met his father.
Nightfall came, the princess party roared inside. sitting on a tree branch, he kept an eye on things.
The night was quiet, the sky was grey. Alonso sighed, how was he going to be able to explain this to the princess? How would she ever believe him?
Before Alexander was killed, he was Suspiscious that there was a traitor in his house. He decided to have his only daughter sent away to be raised by humans. She was only two at the time. He was killed a few months later and most of his supporters were killed by the council. No one knew were the princess was except for Alonso. For the past fifteen years his job had been to watch over her without reveling his presence. Not an easy task at times.
The princess went to her room and went to sleep, she looked sad, a look that Alonso had become accustomed seeing on her.
The night passed uneventfully. He jumped off the tree branch once he saw Angela up and about to get ready for the day. He waited patiently as he had done everyday and followed her to school for the last time.
Alonso kept his distance but kept a closer eye on her, the problem with the guys the day before had put him on high alert.
While she was in school, Alonso spent his time walking around the area. He quickly noticed that he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on the princess. More guys in black were strategically placed around the block.
Alonso knew who they were (An organization called "the hand" that operates from the shadows killing demons, rumor was that they worked under the guidance of the gods but had never been confirmed).
Half day had passed, the princess would soon be out. He needed to take care of the "hand" before that happens. Stealth and quickness were his friends, he felt limited without been able to use magic, it would be so easy if he could.
Alonso studied their movements and deviced a plan. The "hand" walked in pairs, rotations of fifteen minutes. There was a total of six of them, not much time to take care of the problem without getting noticed.
The first pair of them walked out of the line of sight of the rest, Alonso got to work, walking behind them, he bumped into one taking his wallet, he walked away infront of them. One of them noticed and began pursuing him with his partner close by. Alonso turned a corner leading them to a back alley. Without giving them a chance to react, he turned punching the closest one of them in the throat, in a quick succession he grabbed the other by the head bringing him down while he threw a knee upwards connecting to his face. Both "hand members" were on the ground but not unconscious and Alonso finished them by kicking them both until they were, leaving the scene quickly to his next target.
The next pair noticed him walking fast towards them, he had been found out!, using this to his advantage and making it more noticible, he began to look backwards as he walked catching their curiosity. They followed him, he ran off into a building's parking lot isolating them from the street. Same as before, he turned and attacked, this time it wasn't as easy as before. They were aware of him and protected themselves. They had training and it took Alonso about ten minutes to finish the job. Tired and without time, he went looking for the last pair. They were gone!
Looking at his watch, he realized that school was out. Running back as quickly as possible, he saw the street littered with high schoolers leaving to go home. The princess was nowhere to be found. Alonso ran once more, trying to catch up with her on her walk home only to realize that she wasnt walking home today.
"Damn! She's taking the metro!" (He said with agitation)
Running back as fast as he could, he began to worry for her, the "hand" was probably with her and he didn't know their intentions.
He made it the metro station in a matter of minutes, and walked the steps down wondering if he was going to be too late to do anything. What he found instead, he did not expect.
The princess was been harassed by a group of guys, he became enraged and was about to go help and then he saw them. The remaining hand members where sitting close by watching the scene too. Alonso needed to dispose of them first, the bullies werent as much of threat compared to this guys.
He walked slowly as not to attract attention, he was closing the distance when a red light surrounded the area. Extreme heat reached him.
"oh no!, she used her powers!" (He said with worry in his eyes)
There was no hiding it now, and he walked in the open coming towards the princess, she was terrified looking at the "guys in black" who had now stood up drawing their weapons. Alonso grabbed the princess arm and whispered: "sorry I'm late princess, I'll take care of them".
He unleashed his power (Finally! He thought), as a blue aura surrounded his body, he lifted his right hand and let go a powerful blast of electricity, taking the "hand" out of the equation.
He turned to her, she looked puzzled and scared, there wasn't any time but he indulged a moment to say: "There should be more coming, we need to leave now! I'll explain everything when we are at a safe distance, I promise". The princess eyes softened and as soon as the metro arrived, they got in.
Alonso explained who he was and what he was, then he told her about her father and what he had done for her. She looked terrified and not knowing what to do in this situations, he hugged her. The princess skin was soft and warm, she smelled like strawberries. His mind went away from all the problems for a moment, until the princess asked: "what do we do now?".
"We are going out of town, to my cabin, your cousins Vander and Mika will be there to help us. There are not many loyal demons left on your father's side, the council took care of most of them. Don't worry you still have me and I'll die to protect you".
They held each other the remaining of the ride, the princess fell asleep in his arms. Alonso began to cry. He was thinking how close he had come to losing the princess, if he had been moments later... He wouldn't let that happen again and he held her tighter and like that he fell asleep.

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