The 'Best' Day Ever

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I hope you enjoy chapter three :3

Me, Serena and Gary spend a little more time at the beach then head home.
"So Sere did you like the beach?" I asked. "I LOVED IT ASH!" She screams. "Well, except from the bit where I almost drowned." "Can we not talk about it Sere." I reply bluntly. "Ash, please don't blame it on yourself." "That's not it!" I shout making Serena back away from me. "Then what is it Ash, I just want to help you!" She suddenly shouts back at me. "Why do you need to know!" "BECAUSE I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!"
Serena then runs off into the distance, her tears flying off her face.
What have I done.
I just lost the girl I love.
I start running too.
I can see her in the distance, but she is a least a few metres in front of me.
"Serena!" I shout, but she completely ignores me.
I keep running and shouting her name but she doesn't seem to stop.
I eventually have to take a break and sit down on someone's doorstep.
I look down the road and hear a muffled scream.
I quickly run to the noise to see Serena being thrown into the back of a van.
"SERENA!" I scream, rushing up to it.
The wheels of the van start moving and it drives away, leaving me in a cloud of dust.

(Serena POV)

As I am thrown into the truck I hear someone shout my name, but before I can find out who it is the back doors slam and we drive away.
The back of the truck was almost pitch black, and there was metal smashing against me as the truck moved from left to right.
Ropes were bound around my wrists and ankles, and they had put something round my mouth.
It was soft but they tied it hard, so it was squishing my face.
I look up at the ceiling.
Why did Ash shout at me, why didn't he want to tell me why he didn't want to talk about.
A tear trickles down my cheek, landing on the thing bound around my face.
I miss him, right now I just want to be at his house, talking to him and hugging him.
Please rescue me Ash.
The van suddenly stops, pushing me to the back of the truck and making my back slam against the door.
I clench my teeth in agony.
How can this day get any worse!
The doors open and someone picks me up.
I look around.
We seem to be in some sort of building.
The lights looked like they were smashed so we were almost in darkness.
I look up to the person holding me.
It was a boy.
He looked around my age.
He had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.
"W-what do y-you w-want?" I whimper. "You." He said bluntly, not giving me eye contact. "W-why?" "Because you're the president's daughter, and we have been paid to do something to you."
I start to shake.
What are they going to do with me, and my father is involved, which means its obviously not a good thing.
"W-what's y-your n-name?" I ask. "Calem."
I hear a door creak, then some footsteps came from the entrance.
"Bring her in here." It said.
It was a man, and he voice was cold and raspy.
We walk for a while longer till we enter another room.
I look around.
This place was pretty bright due to the fact that I had to let my eyes adjust to see properly.
There was counters all around the edges with equipment and chemicals on them.
In the centre was a chair with some sort of machine attached to it.
I get placed on the chair by Calem.
"Why hello there little one, you're the president's daughter aren't you?" Some crazy guy said.
I quickly nod.
"Good, now you're not very well so I have to give you this injection to feel better ok?"
I stare at the needle he's holding.
It has some sort of white liquid inside.
"Now hold still."
I close my eyes and tense my body ready for the pain.
I feel the injection go into my skin.
A painful burning feeling stirs up in my arm.
My whole body then starts to feel light and I feel myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Hi peeps ^-^
Just want to say happy amourshipping day to you all ^-^

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