i. noticed

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to thepeopleofsociety

i. noticed


What made you noticed her?


She always sat two rows in front of you. In every class you had with her.


Accidentally? Not really.
Coincidence? Maybe


Sometimes you would glanced towards her direction every single chances you got.


She known as the angel in this school.


It's not that you had interest on her. You admitted that she's a beauty from inside out but you just feel liked a normal thing to do to watch every moves she made.


You noticed that she was the girl that everyone admired from head to the toe.

The guys loved her.
The girls admired her.

And it left you confused about it.


The way she can grasped people around her.


You remembered your first encounter with her.

You just happened to bump her at right place, and the right timing. She offered you to be your guide in this high school when she knew that your the new student that everyone talked about.

Surprising, you immediately accepted her offer without a second thought.

Maybe you fed up that you got lost on your first day in Lake View High School.

After a few weeks, realization hit you because in everyone's eyes she were the perfect girl with no flaws at all.


You thought it all makes sense the way people looked at her because the way she talked, spoke and walked were all perfect for a normal people.

She got other's attention without letting out a bead of sweat.


Her magic left you in wonder.


Because the first day you entered this school, your mind were preoccupied about her all the time.

Until it makes you grew frustrated with it.


You started to question what made you noticed her?


Her beauty?

Her attitude?

Her intelligence?

Her leadership?

Or her kindness?


All of it were not the reason you started noticed her.


You realized that it was her small gesture.


Her smile.


Everyone adored her smile. It worked like a magic when people feeling down, she can lifted it up the atmosphere.


But you didn't concerned about her beautiful smile in fact you were more focused how did it looked.


Truthfully, her smile looked fake.


As in she tried to hide something away from people around her.


Being open-minded, you ignored it because you believed that human were imperfect for starter.

She's a human after all.

Maybe she needed a break sometimes.

Because her fake smile almost looked natural on her face.

hello, and surprise, surprise, surprise! My apologize deep in my heart for not updated for god know how long it is. I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for an update as I'm preparing for my final exam. Lot of tension hanging around me lately. Frequent update? Maybe not. But just give me a shot to update this story, okay?

Tell me what you think 😄

I'm sorry for once again.

x fiffy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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