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"Can you stay for a bit?"

Her voice was soft. She had her eyes lock into mine as soon as I turned. I could see how desperate she was for someone's company, as if she was begging for me to stay.

She had a face that I think no one could resist, or maybe it's just me. I sat back down beside her, still did not look away from her. I watch her tears continue to flow while she tries to stop it.

She look up, then she roll her eyes at me and continue crying. What was that all about?

I look away and sigh. She wanted me to stay and I did, what did she expect me to----

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Just that your face really similar to his."

Is it like exactly the same? That she even roll her eyes at me.

I started to get curious and asked, "What's his name?"

"Donghae." She replied, short and simple.


"Donghae from XXX University?" I asked while getting closer to her. She look up and nod slowly.


So this is Krystal. I even know her Korean name.

She must have found out that Donghae was cheating on her.

She noticed my uneasy expression, she tuck her hair behind her ears. She squint her eyes at me, "Do you know him by any chance?"

"No, I've heard of him. He goes to the same school as me but I don't really know him."

I lied.

Donghae is my identical twin brother.

"If you know him, he's a dick." she replied. I just nod and continue to avoid her eyes. Calling back all the memories that Donghae told me about this girl, Soojung.

He often share with me about all the girls, I meant all the girls that he's been seeing and a his only girlfriend, her. He was never a loyal guy, even after her first date with Krystal, he went out after that with another girl to a nightclub.

There was only this one time, he said he loved her. That was the first and the last. We shared almost everything together, secrets, clothes, food, even underwear and anything that can be shared. But that was before he even got into University. He got a house on his own after he got into University. We didn't meet alot but when we do, we let out everything. We once cried together because we missed each other so much.

"You deserve better." That was the only word I could think of, she don't deserve him and all of these. From what I heard from Donghae, she does everything for him. Alot of meaningful things that Donghae doesn't deserve, at all. Like she bought him presents, like shoes, clothes, and there was a time when she paid for his University bills for that month. And when I clothes, its not the cheap ones that you can see anywhere. Those are from boutiques that not anyone can buy because its too expensive.

She look up at me and nod, "I know, it was a total mistake." After awhile of silence, I heard her stomach growl. I mentally laugh.

"You are hungry." I said and let out a chuckle. She smiled, which surprised me. Probably because I know alot about her personality, she is cold looking but sweet, quiet but likes to talk among people she's comfortable with,thick headed, fashionable, she get jealous easily.

I'm not sure if the things that Donghae said we true. I guess I should find out now.

"Let's go eat, wait here let me take my stuff."

I put in my cap backwards and ran to the mat, I grab my helmet and my stuff, squeezing it into my backpack, including the mat. Thank God it wasn't as big as I thought. I turn back and saw her already walking towards the car park.

"Hey, let's go get food." I said.

"Sorry, but I just met you. You are complete stranger." I laugh in disbelief.

"So do you always share problems with strangers?" I ask with slight anger, she was fine a few minutes before then cold few minutes later.

"That's rude." She point her finger directly into my face.

"No, you are rude."

"No, you are."

"All I asked was for us to get food, and after you calling me complete stranger was rude when I actually stayed with you when you told me to. I should have just left and let you cry your eyes out since you are a 'complete stranger'." I said with a raised voice, not as loud, but loud enough for her to know that I'm angry.

She went silent and hold her bag in front of her, standing straight as if she was getting scolded. I was about to walk away when I saw a tear drop rolling down her cheeks.

I regret what I said immediately after I saw her let out a tear. I walk closer to her and it hurt me when I saw her back away so I stop walking towards her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry but---"

"Even your scolding is similar to Donghae." Wow, she even realise that. Donghae really mean so much to her. I just stay silent.

"Its not that I didn't want to grab food with you. Just that the more I look at you, more you seem like donghae."

I can't say a word because its true.

"You even ride a bike, just like him." She continue as she point at the helmet I was holding.

We got two motorcycle for our 21st birthday gift not long ago, from our parents in California.

"Everything seem similar and I hate it." She wipe her tears.

"I'm not him, I could be the opposite of him." She kept quite which made me feel bad, again.

"It's okay, forget it. Let me send you to your car." I said with a rough voice. She immediately walk in front of me and led the way to her car. I walk behind her, same slow pace as she is going. We reach near her car, I assume.

She turn while tucking her hair behind her ear again. She slowly look up at me, biting the side of her lips. "Are you mad?" She asked.

I shook my head and hug my helmet while looking away from her eye. And yes, I'm mad but those eyes, I don't think I can resist it.

"If you are not, want to go grab food with me?"

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