chapter 1

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Ok so for the start of the book it will be in Luke's point of view but it will change to another person point of view for the rest of the book. So



'How did I even get left behind? one moment we were playing soccer in the park, the next everyone was rushing to the tour bus. How they even leave me behind? the boys should have noticed.' Luke thought as he walks down a dark street. It was late at night now and because he tried to run after the tour bus, if it returned to get Luke he wouldn't be there.

Luke found himself walking down a dark road with a couple of houses on it. He couldn't tell the time but he assumed it was about 11 at night. Luke was cold and tired. he just wanted a place to stay the night, but the risk of walking up to a murders house was something he kept in the back of his mind, but what was worse is the thought of walking up to a rabid fans house. Don't get Luke wrong he loves all his fans but the ones that like to grab him and pull at his hair and clothes were hard to deal with. But he needed a place to stay so he kept walking waiting for a house that looked like someone was awake.

Luke came this way because there was one house that looked very inviting. He approached the door and knocked. He heard yelling and what sounded of a female crying. With worry he knocked again, he probably should have left this was none of his business but he wanted to make sure the women was ok. This time, there was silence until the man yelled.

"Are you going to get it or are you actually stupid, and if you tell him so help me, women, I will hurt you even more."

This man was frightening from the sound of his voice but Luke needed to make sure the lady was ok, he had forgotten all about a place to stay for the night.

The door was opened and a girl stood in front of him. She was no women but a girl and she could be no older than Luke himself (19). She had the most gorges blond wavy hair she was bruised with a cut on the face, arms and just about anywhere Luke could see her skin.

When she spoke it was forced like she was trying hard to be loud so the guy inside could hear, "hi how can I help you."

Luke looked at her in the eyes and saw worry, then the girl mouthed 'speak please' Luke immediately said, "I was uh looking for a place to stay the night because I'm lost and cold."

The man Luke heard came out to the door and spoke with a gruff tone, "this is not a hotel move on."

Luke stuttered, "I-I can p-pay for the n-night. Please." He was desperate, not for a place but to save this poor girl.

"mate, you can only stay here if you pay $3000 for every night you stay."

"deal," Luke said quickly wanting nothing but to help the girl.

The man laughed "kid you're her age you don't have any money. Hell the only reason she dates me is because I bought her."

"I have the money especially if you have a phone I can use to call my bank (bank yeah right more like tour manager and the boys)."

"Whatever come in kid. If you don't pay I will find you. Don't try to cheat me."

Luke walked in and the girl showed Luke his room. Luke thanked her and mouthed 'I'm going to save you'. Luke saw the hope that filled her eyes but her face stayed neutral.

"Good luck and goodnight sir."

"Wait," Luke whispered, "what's the address we are at right now"

"1987 Roland rd. I must go now goodnight sir."

Luke shut the door of the room and looked around. The room was quite nice but he knew that the man was dangerous. On the bed side table was a phone and he picked it up calling the boys.

It rang three time and Ashton picked it up.

"Hi, or is it hey meh we will never know."

"Hey Ashton," Luke was immediately cut off.

"Oh my god, Luke we left you we are so sorry. Where are you we can send a car anything Luke, we are so stupid."

"Yeah its fine but I have a situation."

"Go on tell me."

"Well the house I approached has a man in it that is hurting the girl, she's so pretty and she doesn't deserve it. I need to save now that I know ash, I have to."

"Ok, um, we can call the police and send them to the house, and they can pick you up to. What's the address?"

"1987 Roland rd. in the same town you left me in."

"Ok I will go do that now, good luck Luke, be safe."

I lied in bed waiting for the police. About ten minutes later they arrived and the man was detained. They came up to search the house and when they came to Luke's room they asked if he was mister hemming of course Luke said yes. They took him and the girl in a different car to the station.

At the station Ashton was waiting for Luke. Ashton went to leave as he saw Luke. Luke didn't follow he really wanted to know what would happen to the girl.

While the police questioned her Luke approached a police officer

"What are you doing with the girl after she is questioned."
"Well I'm not sure I know she has nowhere to stay and she has no money why."

"She can come with me."

"I'm sorry sir but we don't know you and you could be dangerous."

"I am Luke Hemmings google me and I am fine. I have a place to stay and I have the money to look after her."

"Googling you is not necessary. We can ask her but if you do anything to her, you will be sent to jail with the other man."

"Yes ma'am" Luke replied quickly.

Half an hour of sitting around waiting for them to stop questioning the girl.

When she came out the police told her my offer and she look hesitant. So I got down on my knees and begged.

"Please, I just saved you didn't I and I promise there will be no problems and I won't bug you or anything. Just please trust me, I'm an ice guy, well I believe I'm a nice guy. Ask Ashton he's known me a long time."

Ashton quickly jumped in knowing I didn't beg very often. "Luke's super nice and he's never hurt a fly, I mean he gets distracted easily but he can help you."

The girl nodded slowly and the police let her leave with us. The car ride to the bus was awkward because no-one spoke. She looked confused with the tour bus. We were so lucky that we had finished the tour and we just had to fly back home to Sydney with the boys and her.

Hopefully she was ok with leaving the country.

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