A Pair of Flowers: Request by @thespottedowl

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Request by thespottedowl . Thanks for the request! Also, the flowers above are Birds of Paradise.

Once a week, Felix Kjellberg's neighbor stole two of his flowers.

When Felix and Marzia, his wife, had moved to America, the first thing Marzia had done when she set foot in America was announce, "I want a flower garden."

So, the couple set to work. They planted carnations, roses, forget-me-nots, tulips, sunflowers, daffodils, daisies, any and every flower they could find. They purchased a house, and their garden flourished. Within the first couple of months, the flowers were full, luscious blooms. They were lucky they had thought ahead and made a little pathway to navigate through the forest of flora. Their entire backyard was a jungle of flowers.

Then, Mark stole the first two flowers.

It was Sunday morning, 10 o'clock. It hadn't bothered Felix much. It was two flowers. Not one, not three, but two. A pair of foxgloves, nothing more. Marzia had noticed, and she was infuriated. Her garden was precious to her, and she didn't like some random neighbor messing with her hard work. But, Felix had insisted to just leave the man be. It was only two flowers, right?

The week after. Sunday morning, 10 o'clock. A pair of petunias. The same process repeated itself; Felix calmed down a livid Marzia, trying to make her understand that they had hundred of flowers. Two wouldn't be a big deal.

This happened for the next three months. Every Sunday, 10 o'clock am, Mark Fischbach snuck up to their house, plucking a pair of flowers from their garden, and then leaving without a single other thing. Why? What did he need flowers so badly for?

Finally, Marzia had enough. "Either you tell him to stop stealing flowers from our garden, or I will. I won't be as kind, I can tell you that."

Felix agreed, coming to his senses. No matter how silly it was, Mark was thieving. Flowers, of all things. What a silly thing to steal.

The next morning, at 10 o'clock sharp, Mark was there. But, Felix was waiting for him. Mark had just snipped two Birds of Paradise flowers. He held them up to the sun, examining them, before smiling contently and slipping the stems into his back pocket.

"Who's the lucky lady?" Felix asked, cocking an eyebrow curiously. Felix was leaning against a tree, his arms folded leisurely across his chest. Mark stopped dead in his tracks, his face burning to a bright red.

"I-I . . . I don't have a 'lucky lady', sir," Mark stuttered.

"Call me Felix. I'm gonna call you Mark, after all," Felix hummed, straightening up and taking a step towards Mark. "Oh, really? Then who are the flowers for?"

Mark cleared his throat, pulling at the collar of his shirt with his finger. Felix had never gotten a good look at Mark, but now he could. Mark was a short man, but he was muscular. He had red dyed hair and brown eyes behind glasses. He seemed like your typical neighbor. Except that neighbors didn't take your flowers every week at the same time.

"They're for my husband," Mark admitted, twisting the wedding band on his finger. Felix's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh." Felix felt his own wedding band, a matching one on his lovely wife's finger. "I didn't realize that you had a husband. I never see him."

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