Chapter 4: Welcome to London

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"Well, I've gotta say, sure know how to treat a girl." You said, sarcastically, to Sherlock as the two of you were digging in the dumpster.

You were a few minutes away from Lauriston Gardens and Sherlock deduced that the murder couldn't have gotten far before dumping the pink suitcase.

Sherlock chuckles as he keeps digging in the trash. Eventually, you see a flash of pink and move the stuff of it. He was right, there was a case! "Sherlock." You said, as you pull the case out of the trash pile.

Sherlock looks over at you and saw what you found. He jumps out of the dumpster and you hand him the case; he sets it down and holds his right hand out to you. "Here take my hand." He said and you obliged.

Sherlock grabs your hand and helped you out, as you wipe off some dirt and trash Sherlock asked "Are you alright?" You nodded and he gives you a smile. "Excellent!" He exclaimed and he goes over to the case and grabs it. "Let's go." He said and the two of you headed out, hailed a cab and off to Baker Street.

After sometime at Baker Street, you go take a shower while Sherlock lies on the sofa. Earlier, the both of you looked through the case and couldn't find the one thing that was important....her phone.

Sherlock states that the murder might still have it so he asked you to text the number that was on the luggage label. You reached for you phone, only to find out it was dead. "You can text John and ask him." You said. Sherlock nods and grabs his phone and started texting John.

You smile and turn around to head downstairs. "Where are you going?" Sherlock asked. You turn to see him staring at you and you reply. "I don't know about you, Sherlock, but I smell like a dumpster. So I'm gonna take a shower. Don't worry I'll be back." And down the stairs you went.

Sherlock is lying stretched out on the sofa. With his jacket off and his shirt sleeves unbuttoned and pushed up his arm, he has his eyes closed and he is pressing the palm of his right hand firmly onto the underside of his left arm just below the elbow. His eyes snap open wide and he stares fixedly up towards the ceiling, then sighs and relaxes.

John comes through the door, then stops and stares as Sherlock clenches and unclenches his left fist. "What are you doing?" John asked. "Nicotine patch. Helps me think." Sherlock said, calmly. He lifts his right hand to show that he has three round nicotine patches. "Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. Bad news for brain work." Sherlock said. John walks further into the room as he said "It's good news for breathing?"

"Oh, breathing. Breathing's boring." said Sherlock, dismissively. John frowns at him as he looks more closely at Sherlock's arm. "Is that three patches?" He asked.

"It's a three-patch problem." Your voice replied. John looks over and sees you walking in, hair still little damp from your shower. "Glad you're here, John. Can we borrow your phone?" You asked as you approach him.

"My phone?" He asked.

"Yes, Sherlock didn't want to use his because there's always a chance that his number could be recognized. It's on the website. And my phone's dead." You replied.

"What about Mrs Hudson?" John asked.

"She's out tonight, playing bingo or something." You said, dismissively.

"I was on the other side of London." John said, getting angry.

"There was no hurry." Sherlock responded, still not moving.

"Here." He said, handing you the phone.

John turns and walks a few paces away from you before turning back around. "So what's this about--the case?" He asked.

A Study in Pink (Sherlock x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now