Chapter 7: The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

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You and Sherlock were sitting on the back steps of an ambulance, when a paramedic puts orange blankets around your shoulder and Sherlock's as well. "Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me." Sherlock said, gestures to the blanket.

"It's for shock." You replied.

"But I'm not in shock." He said.

"Yeah, but some of the guys wanna take photographs." Lestrade said as he makes his way to you and Sherlock, who rolls his eyes. "So, the shooter. No sign?" Sherlock asked.
"Cleared off before we got 'ere. But a guy like that would have had enemies, I suppose. One of them could have been following him nothing to go on." Lestrade replied. You sat there and smiled to yourself.

You knew who the shooter was but you wanted to see how long it would take Sherlock to make the connection. Sherlock looks at Lestrade, pointedly. "Oh, I wouldn't say that." He said. Lestrade rolls his eyes as he says. "OK, gimme." You and Sherlock stood up as Sherlock does his deduction.

"The bullet they just dug out of the walls came from a hand gun. Kill shot over that distance from that kind of a weapon--that's a crack shot you're looking for, no not just a marksman; a fighter. His hands couldn't have shaken at all, so clearly he's acclimatized to violence. He didn't fire until I was in immediate danger, though, so strong moral principle. You're looking for a man probably with a history of military service....and nerves of steel...."

He trails off and looks around the area and sees John standing some distance away behind the police tape. As John looks back at you two innocently, you wink at him and he nods and turns his head away. You feel a pair of eyes on you and you turn your head and see Sherlock's grey eyes looking at you.

You give him an innocent look and you can tell he was, finally, making a connection. He turns to Lestrade and said. "Actually, do you know what? Ignore me."

"Sorry?" Lestrade asked.

"Ignore all of what he said. It's the shock talking." You told the inspector as you and Sherlock start to walk towards John.

"Where're you two going?" Lestrade asked.

"I need to talk about the--the rent." Sherlock said, as you two continue to walk.

"But I've still got questions for you." Lestrade said to Sherlock.

"Oh what now? I'm in shock! Look I've got a blanket!" Sherlock said as he turns back and brandishes the blanket to Lestrade. "Sherlock!" shouted the Inspector.

"And he just caught you a serial killer....more or less." You said. Lestrade looks between you and Sherlock, thoughtfully.

"Okay. We'll bring you in tomorrow. Off you go." He said and you and Sherlock walk off. Sherlock takes his blanket off and grabs the one off your shoulder and bundles them up.

As you two approach John, Sherlock tosses the blankets through the open window of the police car and you and Sherlock duck under the police tape. "Um, Sergeant Donovan's just been explaining everything, the two pills. Been a dreadful business, hasn't it? Dreadful." John said.

"Good shot." You said, quietly.

"Yes. Yes, must have been, through that window." John said, trying and failing to look innocent.

"Well, you'd know." Sherlock replied, smiling at him.

John gazes at the two of you, still trying not to let his expression give him away. "Need to get the powder burns out your fingers. I don't suppose you'd serve time for this, but let's avoid the court case." You said to him as he clears his throat and looks around nervously.

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