Car Ride

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Chapter 32

My blood had been taken and Dad offered himself to get tested as well. When I looked at him questioning “why” he just shrugged and said “you never know, what’s the harm in getting done too?” I think he was thinking for some magical chance he could be a match, saving me from having to go any further into this and I could couldn’t help but hope also.

“Dad, do you think that he will let me see Alex again while we are waiting?” “I highly doubt it April and it is probably best we keep the contact to a minimum at the moment until the test results come back. I got the Twins to call Garret, I want their father here when we get our results back. I think it will be better having a doctor on our side so we know what we are facing.”

I stared at my father, he made some valid points. “Isn’t Garret a shifter doctor, how will that help in this situation? Do you really think your blood could be a match?”

“April, Shifter doctor or not Garret is a doctor and he will understand better what is going on and what needs to happen if a match is found. He will understand all risks and procedures involved. I will feel more comfortable having him here to guide us than doing this blind with little understanding and knowledge.”

Nodding that made perfect sense and I wonder why we didn’t think of it before. Having someone that we trusted explain what could happen is somewhat comforting.

A solid arm slide around my waist and I tilted my head to the side to see which one of the twins was embracing me. Ryan’s green eyes met mine before he gave my head a kiss. “Come on Kitten, let’s go get some lunch and some fresh air all the smells in here are starting to give me a headache and there is nothing more that we can do now but wait.”

As if on command my stomached rumbled and reminded me that I was indeed hungry. “A feed and a break from this place sounds good.” Ryan slide his hand into mine and tugged me towards to exit. I looked at Ryder and dad “You two coming?” Ryder’s blue eyes shone as he made his way towards me “Your dad needs to get some work done but I am all yours Baby” when he reached for me he placed a quick kiss on my lips then whispered “And I’m f@cken hungry for you.” As if on cue that hunger pain turned into something else, a want, a deep seated wanting for my mates and the extraordinary intimacy that we share.

Ryder’s blue eyes darkened and a slightly feral smile took place on his face. “Looks like I’m not the only one that’s hungry for a certain type of nourishment Baby.” “Food first Ryder then our Kitten can play” Ryan’s voice broke my thoughts and he started tugging me to get me moving again.

In the car Ryan sat in the driver’s seat. Ryder sat next to him in the front passenger seat. I couldn’t help but smile at my first memory of our time in a car together. I still sometimes think that I really am still dreaming and these two aren’t real. I still remember how horrified I was when I first realised I wasn’t dreaming and what had happened back them was real.

“What are you smiling at Baby? I hope your thinking about our time in the bathroom” Ryder said with an eye brow wiggle, his blue eyes shining. That memory brought an automatic blush to my cheeks. I think I will always blush when I think about that night and my first experience in that form at I shared with Ryder.

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