Chapter One: The Knowing

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As i grew up i loved quoting movies, no matter what movie it was i could find one line to remember and i would. But once i grew into a teenager, one single quote seemed to fit menearly perfectly. It's the quote from the movie Merlin, "They say that when you are sad, time seems to slow to a crawl. But when you are happy, well my childhood must have been very happy. For it was over in a flash."

Mine was over in a flash, and now I wish i could go back and relive every single moment of my childhood. But yet i don't at the same time, because then i would miss out on what's happening now. I'm the most popular girl in school, and even though every guy seems to try and get with me or ask me out, i decline them all. I have had a feeling since i was little that i was missing my other half.

The day i was told i had been sitting in science, talking with my closest friend Bailey, unti i was called down to the principal's office. I hope i wasn't in trouble for throwing a surprise pep-rally for our football players. I walked down the halls with my chin p as i always did, showing every bit of confidence that i had, I walked into the office slowly so i wouldn't stub my toe on the door.

My feet showed that the principal was in his chair ~DAYS and my brother's figure was standing next to him, which was odd because they hated each other.

"Alyssa please sit, we have decided it's time to tell you something important." I slowly sat in a chair and nodded. 

"Alyssa you are not like any, normal human i guess i could say." My brother said loud enough for only the people in the office to hear. "You are what's called an elemental, one who can bend the elements. In the old days, way way back, they would kill you off. For they believed your kind was dangerous. There are still many more, most are confined in a large prison. I've told you of the prison before, it was called-" 

Men beat down the door, making me scream and fall out of my chair. They grabbed my arms tightly and lifted me from the ground, even my feet weren't touching which made me even more scared.

"You Alyssa," The man started. "Are an elemental, the most dangerous of your kind of course. We must send you to our prison to have you and your powers confined before you hurt someone." My brother was fighting with some guards as i was pulled out of the room by the two men, and i still had no idea what was going on as i was thrown in a van and driven away.


The man's hands were wrapped around my arms tghtly, making me more and more scared of my cell mates. 

"Is she the one?" A girls voice sounded, but yet i hadn't seen her move at all. I looked around frantically before i realized i couldn't see.

"She's the one, the next in the fire line.The only one who's been chosen since the last was killed in the 1400's, the one who's been chosen to lead us through our war." I just stood there, shaking uncontrollably in fear.

"She won't be able to lead us, she's too weak and scrawny. You can tell that she's been the perfect girl all her life, and doesn't even know how to bend her own element." Another boys voice spoke, this one sent weird shivers down my spine. "Do you even know any of our history?" I shook my head and I felt him moving towards me and the other step away. "Do you talk pipsqueak?"

"Just because I'm short doesn't mean you can call me names for short people!" When you bring my height into the whole thing, I sorta lose it. "And no I don't know anything but myths my brother told me when I was younger, but I can barely remember those either." The boy walked around me as if to examine me, but all elementals were blind so I knew he wasn't.

"Then I guess we should start from the beginning...."



TADA! The actual first chapter! I'm soooooo excited for this story

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