Chapter Three: The First Night

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I laid in bed that night, thinking about not only about my history but what Sophia had said. She thinks i can be in love with a man who is an ass to me when we first meet? He knows im not powerful at all because i just found out about my powers a few days ago. Then as i was told i was taken from my family, my school, and my life.

I never knew i was actually meant for as asshole because i will NEVER like someone like that. For other reasons, i have no clue what im even saying to myself. I can hear the words over and over again but yet they havent sunk in deep enough for a true understanding.

Before i could think anymore, i heard Sophia get up from her bed and walk.I couldnt exactly hear where she had gone, but the next noise i heard was the creaking of another bed. Travis' was the only one that creaked like that, and the only other noise i heard was a small giggle. You could hear that they were close, and i wanted something like them.

But i know i didnt want it with Jimmy.

I heard something creak again, but it wasnt a bed. I listened to footsteps coming towards me, and i stretched my hearing to listen to the whispers.

"Now that we got all four its time to put them in the simulation chamber to see how they react."

"Why are we treating them like science experiments? I mean dont you remember how long it took for the fire elemental to be rebirthed?"

"Its not our choice, its his if you dont remember. He remembers the love he felt for her and wants to kill Jimmy before they're in love again."

I tried to keep my breathing even as they pulled me off my bed and set me on a stretcher. But as i was being wheeled away, my eyes snapped open to a scream from Sophia.

I bolted upright from my position on the stretcher, ready to go save my acquantance. People took my body and pushed me back on the stretcher, strugglig to hold me as i fought. I kept hearing yells and screams as we got farther and farther down the hall.

An instant later images were starting to fill my head, images of Jimmy to be clear. It was like his entire life was flashing before my own eyes.

~Jimmy Images~

"I declare that my son, and future king, will be named Jason. A holy name, and he shall heal our land of the hurt and shame that has happened so very recently." The man who speaks raises a child into the air, showing the people of his kingdom the newborn. The people bow at the end of the kings speech and soon they rise and start to rejoce in happiness.

~years later~

"Daddy, why dont you tell the people my gift? Doesnt the people deserve to know of it since i am the future leader?" The king sighs as he watches his son aim a bow, and hit it straight on the target, no one was around to hear their secret conversation.

"Son they will blame you for the death of your mother and many others, if you dont remember nine months before you were born the fire elemental had destroyed the city for watching a human kill you." The boy hits the target again, quickly reloading the bow.

"But father us elementals are not as harmful as people see, so why cant i tell them?" He takes a look at his arrow and with a simple blink of an eye particles of the rock fell off to make it sharp.

"They wont believe it, they'll take you away from all of us and either keep you for their own needs or kill you. For your soul is very powerful, and men such as them are very afraid of the power you behold." The king stands as his son pierces through one of the arrows on the target.

"I wish i could be free." The king nods and stares down at him.

"If you wish to be free you must leave jmmediatly, change your name and never return. But if they do find you, you musnt mention anything about your life as a boy." He looks up at his dad in confusion. "They will punish our kingdom for hiding you for thirteen years, without saying anything."

~end of images~

I let them restrain me, they place a mask over my face and i slowly slip onto the darkness of my dreams. Of my nightmares.

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