chapter 6:

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Mercy's POV

I found Barrett crushed by some rubble. Hardly clinging onto life, he was uncontions. I has to pull him out from under rhe rubble, with help from jack morison I manage to pull him out and see what really happened. "Were going to have to take him back to the base to see what the damage in his legs is like" I say. Morrison nodded then picked the child up, carrying him back to the base. Both of us knew he likely won't be able to use his legs again.

Barrett's POV

I woke up in the med-bay of the base. This was one place i didn't think I would be today, at least I hoped I wouldn't be in here. I looked around the bright room to see if anyone else was in here with me. Of course no one was. I look down and my legs and tried to move them but I couldn't. I sigh and close my eyes, hoping this is all a dream

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