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'It's already 8:30 a.m...' I looked at my watch,I packed everything except for the one I need back to it's place.I went to the teacher's room and met Karasuma-sensei and I walked to the classroom with him.I heard guns shooting non-stop from the classroom,I smiled and said...

"Say, Karasuma-sensei what do you think of them?.."He turned to me and looked back to the class entrance.

"Well, to me I think of them as a,very cheerful,friendly when you get to know them.Is something wrong, Murasakai-san?.."He asked.

"As you have known me I've never had friends nor family supporting me at a very young age, except Irina-neesan and Lovro-sensei..."I answered the grip on my katana's sheath tighten.He turned back to me with a 'sorry look'.

"Neh- No bug I am ready..."I said holding the sliding door handle,I turned to him with a smile.

"Oh! And by the way you can just call me, Aiko. It's fine..."


"Sa,mina-san. Today we have a new student joining us.You may come in Murasakai Aiko-san..."Korosensei said with his big smile.

The door slide open by a girl with a long dark brown hair, red eyes with long red scarf and.., maybe'taller than me..'I sweat dropped.She walked in with a expressionless face and said...

"Ohayo' mina-san my name is Murasakai Aiko. You can called me by my first name..."Some of the boys blushed a bit with a thought 'pretty' I think but I can sense Karma is smirking at the back while the girls smiled at her.

Then something unexpected happened,In a flash half of all korosensei's tantacle meaning 4 out of 8 tentacles were destroyed.But what we saw next is that Murasakai-san is kneeling and holding a katana,looking at us with bloodlust in her eyes her red scarf hid her lower face.

But what we saw next is that Murasakai-san is kneeling and  holding a katana,looking at us with bloodlust in her eyes her red scarf hid her lower face

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"With that, Youroshiku onegaishimasu (pleased to meet you)..."She stood up still with a cold face and turned to korosensei with a small smile,korosensei look surprised.

"Where will I be sitting,korosensei?..."Aiko said sliding in her katana back into it's sheath .

"Nurufufufufu...Nice attempt Aiko-san I did not see that was coming,Good job.But you must try harder..."Korosensei said with his head change to the green striped one.

"I'm afraid so,if I try or do it harder,I might have kill you.."She said signaling her thumb drew a line right under her chin , making asmall smile

"She said signaling her thumb drew a line right under her chin , making asmall smile

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"I hope to see that again,I guess...Very well you can sit next to Karma.Karma-kun please held up your hand!"Korosensei said a sweat dropped.She bowed to him.

'I cant believe with my own eyes that she just cut off 4 tentacles with a katana how did she do that.'I thought she walked next to my desk and give me a cold stare those red eyes is not really helping a lot. Kayano gave me a 'are you okay? look' I nodded.


I saw a hand and pretty surprised to see the'hentai' was here all the time.I walked to my new seat,I sat on the chair putting my bag aside and took out my text book.Soon the lesson start,I was trying to focus but something or someone keep bugging me.I can felt that the'hentai' next to me was staring at me since the lesson start I sighed.

"This suck..."I mumbled and turned to him with a cold 'what do you want?' glare.He put on his smirk.

"Relax~I just want a proper introduction,that's all~" He said.I move my mouth saying 'Make it quick.'

"The name is Akabane Karma, feel free to call me with my first name..."He continued.I just nodded and turned back to my text book.

"Aiko-chan~ you're so cold~"He teased me 'What! -chan'I turned to him and asked.

"Why are you calling me with chan, Weirdo I rather kun/san.."

"Ehhh~ You re not my mother dont tell me what to do~Anyway nice move by the way..."Irritating and quiet annoying red head I sighed.


Cold Red  (Karma X Oc 'assassin') ACWhere stories live. Discover now