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"She got pregnant,his name is Bryon.... Taylor" He almost whispered

Before he could tell me who she was I already knew.

"I-is he yours?" I asked with more tears staining my face

He ran his hands over his face then his hair

"I don't kn-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whispered

I swear I can never catch a break.

"I don't know if he's mine Railin."

"But there is a possibility Rod, that's the fucking problem" I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed ,standing to leave but he grabbed my arm

"What?" I said through clenched teeth, trying to mask the fact that I was crying, when he didn't let go I turned around so he could see my face

"What Rod?!?!" I slightly yelled "What could you possibly say to me right now? It wasnt intentional? You didn't want for this to happen? Well it did, you shoulda thought about that shit when you was fucking my best friend raw Rod!"

"Let me see him" I suggested "Im sure you got a picture right?" I said smartly holding my hand out for his phone , he unlocked and went to his gallery where a picture of a caramel little boy popped up.

He had Brynn's features, but there was no denying that he is Rod's son. The bridge of his nose, his eye shape, his lips, his eyebrows. I looked at the phone closely while more tears fell

"Rai-" I cut him off by smacking him

He turned his facae back to mine and I smacked him again , and again. I threw his phone across the room and left.

Krei and Jojo were with Rance, until I caught up on rest. I guess I'd go stay with Jason for a bit.

I called him when I was in his driveway, no answer and from the looks of it he wasn't home. So I decided to run around the corner and come back later


"What are you doing here?" Blythe asked once she opened the door

"Um, is Brynn here?" I asked shifting on my feet

I wasn't sure I'd ever want to face her again, but after finding out MY man, has a baby with her , I realized there is a lot I need to get off my chest

"Yeah she's he-" Blythe started

"Let her in" Brynn said approaching with a baby in her arms

Blythe stepped aside and I came inside. Brynn walked back into her room and I followed her.

"I um, Im happy you're okay. You and the baby" She started

"Glad to see you still care" I said starring at her son

"Y-you wanna hold him?" she asked hesitantly

"Um, yeah. " I whispered whiping my eyes "He's beautiful" I said more tears falling once she placed him in my arms

"Im sorry Railin" she said, and that's when I noticed she was crying as well.

"Why Brynn? I think that's what I want to know most why? I mean you knew about what happened with Ace and I... you knew . You of all people had the best understanding on how I was feeling about Rod. Those nights after work when I would come over to get my babies and we'd talk about how in love I was, and how much I deserved a man like him.How Krei and Jojo needed a man like him How I deserved to be happy... you wanna know something? I can't be happy now. Not after you being disloyal to me, from a man it would've been different but not you Brynn. You was my nigga. I can't be happy now, because right now Im holding a piece of my happiness in my arms and he came from your womb, and not mine. You gave him his first child, something I was supposed to do. Not my fucking best friend.I remember when we were younger and we said our kids would be best friends like us" I chuckled "Now they're going to be siblings. That's some sad shit Brynn" I wiped my face with my free hand " I've been through so much B... and you were the last person I expected to fuck me over like that. " I said looking down at her baby

"Bryon right?" I asked clearing my throat as I stood

"Yeah" she whispered as I kissed his soft forehead and passed him back.

Then I left.

No need to stay and harp on it, I said what I needed to, but the thought of my child sharing a father with my "best friend's" child would always haunt me.

As for Rod and I... I know I forgave him for cheating but now with this... I don't know now for us what could possibly be Next.

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