Love Wont Change

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"Kweeee" Krei shouted for the millionth time in the past 5 minutes

My little girl knows how to say her name, and she obviously loves it.

"Hey, Kay, shhh" I held my finger to my lips and continueed reading the magazine that was on the table at the doctor's office.

"Miss.Amos.. the doctor is ready for you" the nurse smiled

I stood to my feet and grabbed Krei's hand and we slowly walked to the room where I'd be examined.

She's got walking down too.

"Okay, so I ran the test you asked for me to run. And they all came back negative. You have no diseases, and you blood pressure and stress levels seem fine. But with you now in your 5th month I do need you to watch your stress intake. I'd say your handling everything pretty well considering... but we still need to make sure your little girl is healthy in there alright? " Dr. Keygan smiled

I smiled brightly back.

"Little girl?" I questioned

"Ah, yes, Im sorry I should've started with that. There is a little Railin in there." she smiled

"Do you have any names picked out?" She asked scribling something down on my paper

"Yes, I do. Her name will be Rory Lena" I smiled down at Krei who was patting my stomach and then placing her ear on it to see if the baby would move.

"Very pretty, your so good with the naming process. "  she laughed. "OKay, I've got these things written down, things I want you to stay away from for the remainder of your pregnancy and if you can do that, Then this will be an easy 3 months" she handed me the paper full of things I already knew to stay away from but I took it anyway

Once we left the doctors office, we headed over to Rais's. We're having lunch together. All of us, including Jaxon. Jojo would already be there, being that he stayed with Rance last night.

I guess while I was away Rance kept him, and they're relationship has to be the cutest so I've been considering Joint Custody with Rance where he'll get him on the weekends or something like that.

"Hey Baby!" Rico rushed to get Krei, lately he's been obsessed with her.

"Oh, Hi to you too Ric" I stood with my hand on my hip

"What's up Niglet" he said not looking at me and walking away with Krei. When I walked into the dining room, all of my brother's were there. And Rod.

I had to look twice, just to make sure

I cleared my throat gaining everyone's attention , and immediately Rhett started to laugh, and soon Rais joined

"Why is he here?" I asked sitting my purse down

"I invited him" Reed stated holding Roi close to him , the way he said it , his tone was almost as if he dared me to respond

"And why did you do that?" I asked taking off my sperry's

"Railin!!!!!" I heard my name being yelled by that annoying light ass voice belonging to Asia. So I let the question go... for the moment

"Yeah?" I asked walking into the kitchen

"Sooooo???" they all looked at me tuned in. Ready to know the news

 " Its a girl!!!!" I shreeked and they all screamed with happiness. That will be 6 grand babies for Rain Amos. Jovon,Krei,Roi,Ryan, Ren (Asia and Rais's little girl) and Rory.

"I know you seen Rod in there, you tell him?" Mel asked opening the oven to check on what smelled to be baked beans

"No, Im not speaking with him. " I said shrugging. They all looked at me like I had 3 heads

"Little girl if you don't get in there and tell that man what HIS baby is going to be... Imma do it for you" Koia threatened, but I knew she was serious.

"I will, eventually. Im in no rush to speak to him,I don't even know why yo man decided to invite him when everybody and they momma know Im not talking to him and I don't wanna be around him" I said sitting at the island.

"I think you might be taking this overboard" Anjol said tossing the salad.

"I think I might be as well." I shrugged " it's just a tad bit .... embarassing, hurtful, humiliating, and draining knowing that my fiancee's first child did not come from my vagina, but my best friends" I spoke

"Is this about him having a baby... or?"

"It's not about that, cause hell I have Krei. It's all about who this baby is by, and how this baby got here"


"He's cute tho.." I chuckled "And how I feel about Rod... will not fold. I love him,Im in love, that is MY man. But, I dont like him right now and  I need him to focus on Bryon. I need him to be a responsible father and stop worrying about me for the time being and worry about his seed" I said playing with the ends of my hair

Mel slowly walked around to me and placed her hands on my stomach " But what you my little Baby have to realize is that... while you are right about the whole "baby by my bestfriend" thing. Your carrying his seed too." she said looking me in my eye while rubbing circles on my sides.

I looked down at my stomach which was slightly showing at the bottom of my white t-shit. I got up from my seat and walked back into the dining room.

"You aint come back to kill him did you?" Rhett asked and in response I just glared at him, and he just shut up. As I expected.

"Can I talk to you?" I said removing my eyes from Rhett's to Rod's. And when I did, I felt pain. searing pain.

"Yeah" he said standing and giving Krei back to Rico.

He followed behind me up ther stairs into Rais's spare bedroom.

"So um, how have you been?" I asked

"Sick" he said while sighing

"You okay? You need anything?" I asked sincerely. That's just my character, I've always been too caring sometimes.

"Yeah.. I need for you to come home though" he said sitting next to me, very closely while sweeping my hair behind my ear

"I Um, Krei can say her name." I lighly smiled

"I've heard" he smiled back " You okay?" he asked grabbing my hand

I looked down at it, while tears clouded my vision

"Yeah Im good, I went to the doctor today. "

"And what happened?" he asked whiping my tears " everything okay?"

"yes, everything is fine. Rory is definitely a Rory"  I said placing my hand on my stomach. And he placed his on top of mine and she kicked. It had to be the cutest shit ever.

"Im still hurting Rod, this doesn't fix anything. "

"What are you saying Railin? "

"Im saying while I am hurting, I still need time, but know that I still love you the same, my love wont change for you"

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