The War

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        Chapter 7: Percy POV

Annabeth and I made eye contact, running into battle. I pushed myself through the crowd, pummeling anyone in my way.

There was a circle around the two beasts, and it looked like Clarisse was about to dust them.

I didn't mean to show off, but I silently stepped in, killing both monsters in one clean swipe. Clarisse looked furious, swearing very colorfully.

"I had them punk!" She roared.

Uh oh, here comes my persassyness, "Well actually, your stance was off. If I hadn't stepped in, Minnie or Alecto could've teamed up, leaving your backside defenseless for one of them to attack. So I'm so dreadfully sorry for saving your butt." I sassed.

She stomped away, obviously thinking of some way to kill me.

Then after a minute of starring into space, I realized that the camp was still burning. Oops.

I've learned from previous experiences that you can't douse the fire with water, you have to contain it. So I took charge,

"Ok," I yelled, "Apollo campers, go get the jars in the attic, then give them to Hephaestus cabin to enlarge them. Hermes will then use them to contain the fire. Any questions?"

Luke stepped forward, "Who are you exactly?" He asked.

Annabeth had just got out of the crowd when she yelled, "Percy!"

Luke narrowed his eyes, "You know him?" He asked.

"Of course I do! You would think I would know my boyfriend!" She giggled.

                      -Luke POV-
I was so confused. Annabeth never mentioned a boyfriend, and she NEVER giggled. And I was her closest friend. (AN: Luke is not completely evil yet.) Why didn't I know this Percy guy. I swear I've never seen him before. Ever.

"So I've never seen you before at camp, are you new?" I questioned.

He looked scared for a split second but answered, "Heh, I don't think we've met, I'm Percy."

Avoided the question, I thought, dang it. "So, how long have you been dating?"

They shared a glance before responding, "3 years." In sync, "But we have been best friends for 7" Percy added.

There was something up with this Percy dude. Annabeth never acted like this, and he obviously had never been to camp.

For the rest of the day I had to tolerate the Aphrodite cabin cooing over "percebeth", whatever that was. The cherry on top was that he somehow knew everyone and everything in the camp, stealing MY friends.

Chiron had called me to the big house earlier so that was where I was headed.

"Luke m'boy, how are you?" He asked.

"Honestly, bad. Everyone is acting weird and I've never met this Percy, yet he acts like he knows all."

"That's why I brought you here," He sighed, "I had been watching Perseus, when suddenly he knew everything. About who he is, who we are, and nothing adds up."

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