A guy named Billy

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Once upon a time, there was a guy named Billy he was 16 years old it was the last school year it was a hard school year for Billy he wanted to become a doctor but he was not the smartest and he got bullied in school by another guy called Michael. Michael always said to Billy you can't do anything you can't ride a bike, you will never be able to drive a car, you will never get a job and more rude things like that. Billy was always thinking what will he say to me. This day when he walked to school, he was shaking because he was scared. Michael was always sad because his parents was always screaming at each other or arguing so he didn't know what he would do, so he was bullying Billy. Billy's only friend was his dog named Dude. When he came home after school he took a long walk with Dude and talked about what happened in school that day, he felt like he could tell Dude anything. The next day he got bullied so hard he had to go to the hospital because Michael had kicked him in the head. He laid in the hospital thinking how do I get out of this bullying situation, then a nurse came in and said "Billy you have a friend here". Michael came into the room and asked the nurse for some time alone with Billy, the nurse walked away and he started punching and saying mean stuff to him after that he got punched and kicked so hard he had to stay a few more weeks in the hospital. After the weeks in the hospital he got bullied even harder because he was in the hospital. The school year was almost over the only two things Billy could think about was what Michael had said to him "You can't do anything" and that his life would be so much easier than before because there would be no Michael in his life. He got bullied every day at this time, he got punched kicked and more, they said rude stuff to him "You will never get a job" "You can't do anything" that is two things he said to him every day. One day there was two new guys in his class, he thought "Yes now I can get some friends" but they were bullies to and they both bullied Billy. The bullying was worse than ever, he wanted to commit suicide but he still wanted to live his life and prove to the bullies that they we're wrong about him. He was thinking every day "am I going to get a job" " were they right all the time, can I not do anything, am I useless?" he said to himself no I'm not useless I can get a job! So he tried harder and harder in school to get as good grades as possible so that he could get into a good school and get the job he wanted to get. He had done very well on the last days of school, when the last day of school had come he was very proud and happy because the last week of school had gone so well. The teacher said a name and they came to the teacher and got their grades, after a while he heard his name he came up and got his grades. When he was walking home he was very happy cause he wouldn't get bullied anymore by Michael and his two friends then he looked at his grades and he had done very good. But the only thing he really could think off was that he had a summer vacation in front of him and no more school in a while. Everyday on the summer vacation for Billy was just laying in bed thinking or just chilling on the beach. But even when he was chilling he was thinking off what the bullies had said to him he was sad everyday it was hard for him to be happy just because what they said to him. The only thing that made him happy was thinking of that he wouldn't meet them again and he also said to himself "Don't let anyone tell you what I can and can't do". After his summer vacation he went to the best university because he had good grades, he was so happy because university was the best time in his life, he didn't get bullied, he had friends, he did well on tests and stuff. He had an amazing life in an amazing university where he studied seven whole years to become a doctor. His life was amazing as a doctor, his two goals in life was to prove to the bullies that they were wrong about him he would prove to them that he could get a job and to help people around the world.

The school was over for Billy and he was very happy because he finally got a job and it was his dream job. Billy lived a long life with a wife and two kids his two goals in life was done.

Prove to the bullies that they were wrong about him.

To help people around the world.


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