1: Pots Pans & Dresses

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Saitama couldn't seem to remember very clearly how things were before he met Genos.

It was blurry, dream-like; attempting to recall it left him lethargic. But not dreamy in the pleasant way- more like in an eternal state of unrest.

He remembers a strong feeling of loneliness, alienated from the outside world all the way in city Z.

In those days he couldn't say he hated it because he'd forgotten what loving felt like, he was simply void. Everyday the same, an illusion he created in his isolation.

He'd long given up on hope for change, certain things would always stay this way. Defeating monster's gaining no fame, people pass not knowing his name, walking with his head down ashamed. Completely alright staying the same.


Saitama tossed and turned in his futon, drawing the blanket over his head, rejecting the morning. He didn't want to see the sun yet.

"Sensei breakfast is ready, please eat it before it becomes cold. It's not as fresh when reheated and not as enjoyable when cold."

That voice, he'd grown to not mind it even when he talked excessively. Not too long ago it was foreign and distant, speaking of the burdens that he bared with a look in his eyes he saw in the mirror daily.

Now it sounding welcoming, accepting, and what touched Saitama the most was that, above all else... That voice cared for him honestly, stubbornly and innocently. No ulterior motives or anything to gain. Genos just wanted to learn from him; become strong like him. But he really shouldn't be anything like Saitama.

Waking him up for breakfast and discussing deals with him at the supermarket. These things Saitama would miss if Genos one day decided to leave him.

Just the thought of it pains him.

Saitama reluctantly sat up, pushing blankets aside and looked to Genos who was kneeled at the table, with two plates of food in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming."

The TV was on, news playing in the background, as the two heros ate. Saitama hadn't checked the time but luckily the news always had the time on the screen.

"Genos, why'd you wake me so early!? I could've gotten more shut-eye. And I was having a pretty good dream too..."

"My apologies Sensei, but it's already past 10, how is that too early?"

"It's Sunday, I sleep late on Sundays you know that."

Genos nodded, he did know that, it's just... There was something he'd wanted to tell Saitama and his anxiety made him careless of his Sensei's sleeping hours.

Genos silently collected the plates and brought them to the kitchen to wash. Maybe he still wasn't ready to tell Saitama yet. Coming out isn't easy.

Saitama couldn't help but think Genos was acting a little strange today. He wasn't ever this quiet and never forgetful. He walked into the kitchen where Genos stood washing the plates they had used for breakfast, which was delicious by the way; everything Genos made was delicious. He was delicious, you know according to his fan letters that Saitama definitely never read...

Saitama hadn't noticed before probably because of the grogginess of first waking up, and that they were sitting down but now that Genos is standing up Saitama can see very clearly that-

Genos is wearing a crimson red form fitting Chinese dress. It looked really good like REALLY good. But Saitama kept his composure.

"That's a pretty dress Genos. Where'd you get it?"

By this point Genos was done with the dishes but still didn't turn around to face Saitama. Truthfully he was nervous. He'd worn the dress as encouragment for him to tell Saitama, so that he couldn't chicken out. Now that Sensei has realized, there's no turning back now.

"Thank you Sensei, I bought it when we were out shopping the other day."

Genos still hasn't turned around Saitama could tell that he was somewhat uncomfortable.

"I've never seen you in a dress before, it... Looks really good on you," Saitama said taking a few small steps closer to Genos.

When the blond finally turned around Saitama could see his face was red. He looked flustered in the most composed way.

"Thank you Sensei... About that, theres something I wanted to tell you..."

Saitama came a little closer, mere inches away now. As he looked Genos in his cool ass yellow and black eyes, "You can tell me anything, I'm all ears. It can be more than 20 words, hell, make it more than a hondread I'll listen to every syllable."

Genos knew Saitama wouldn't judge him, would accept him but it still wasn't easy to say or to explain. So he'd have to do his best. It's about time, he'd felt as if he'd been hiding a part of himself.

"Sensei the thing is that, I'm not exactly male... B-But it's not that I'm female. I like both male and female things and am fluid between both genders..."

"So you're gender fluid?" Saitama asked not wanting to assume anything.

"Yes, Sensei I'm sorr-"

Saitama smiled and hugged him tightly, warmly, lovingly.

"Thank you for telling me. Is that why your dressed so nice? "

Genos was still shocked by the hug and needed a moment to compose himself. Saitama pulled away but still stayed close, closer than usual. Genos fond it hard to breath.

"Yeah, ah... I actually own quite a few dresses, skirts, panties-"

"Panties! Ah... I mean, t-thats great Genos I'm completely fine with you wearing whatever you want," Saitama nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

Would he really be able to handle seeing Genos like that so often.

"By the way Genos what pronouns should I use for you?"

"Oh umm, he/him is still fine it's what I'm most use to but any is okay."

Saitama took some steps back giving Genos his space. He couldn't stop looking at Genos in that dress. In an effort to stop his staring he glanced at the stove, it was 11 o'clock, there's a sale going on now.

"You know there's a sale going on now-"

"Then we must hurry Sensei!"

Saitama smiled, typical Genos.

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