Raised Stakes.

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Vivian gasped and went rigid, black veins beginning to show around her lips and eyes, the color slowly draining out of her skin.

Alex brushed the hair out of her face, gasping at how cold her skin felt. As his skin touched hers, Vivian inhaled sharply and her eyes went wide. He withdrew his hand quickly, afraid that he had hurt her.

"N-no," She gasped, reaching spasmodically for his hand.

Alex hesitated for a brief moment, before grabbing her hand. His skin felt hot against her icy flesh, and as he held onto her hand, he noticed that the color began to seep back into the skin surrounding their linked hands.

"Your...p-power." She said haltingly, her body still shaking.

Alex took a deep breath, and placed his hand on the side of her face, concentrating on his power, he felt the buzzing energy travel down his arm, watched as his veins crackled like blue lightning, the energy traveling down to Vivian's cold white skin.

Slowly, the black veins disappeared and the color began to return to her face. He moved his hand down to her neck and side, slowly returning the life to her.

As the color returned to her fully, her muscles relaxed and she stopped shaking, her breathing slowing down to normalcy.

Alex felt drained as he helped Vivian to sit up, trying to focus on her as his energy evaporated like smoke. "Are...are you alright?"

She held onto his arm tightly, leaning her weight against him as she took several deep breaths. "I think so. Are you okay?"

He  nodded quickly. "Don't worry about me. What happened?" He helped her to stand and led her over to the bed, sitting down beside her as she explained.

"I came inside and poured myself a glass of coke...I remember taking a small sip and then running up here to grab my sandals, the poison took effect once I reached the room...I don't really remember anything else until you came in."

Alex frowned slightly. "Do you have any idea what poison they used?"

"Nolana, it's a species of Nightshade, nonlethal to humans, but in liquid form...well you saw what it does to us."

Alex's frown deepened. "That only leaves one question, how did they know where you are?"

They both jumped slightly as the phone rang. Laughing nervously, Alex stood up. "It's probably Nick."

Vivian trailed after him, feeling safer near him. they went downstairs and Alex picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He tensed as a low, sultry voice purred through the earpiece.

"Alex, aren't you glad I called?"

He cast a warning glance at Vivian as he replied. "Nerissa, how did you get this number?"

She laughed. "Oh please, never underestimate me. So maybe you can explain something to me. I saw my dear little sister turn tail, and who did I see with her? Your adorable lanky friend. Now, what I want to know is, why did you lie to me?"

Alex swallowed nervously. "What do you want?"

He could practically hear her smirk as she replied. "Ah, ah, ah, you didn't answer my question. Imagine my surprise at finding out that you are harboring my little sister, and lied to me about knowing her. I'm assuming she put a spell on you since my...persuasion had no effect on you."

"Maybe you're just not my type."

"Don't mock me, I am not someone you want to mess with. Now, you may be thinking that you can run and hide, taking her with you. But let me assure you, our kind does strange things to the male mind. Have you shared a kiss yet? Taken your 'love' all the way perhaps? Well, if that is the case, then you are already slave to her will."

Alex clenched his fists, grinding his teeth together as she continued.

"Run, and you will spend your happily ever after hiding. But give me the girl, and I will ensure the safety of your friends. Bring her to the docks and take her aboard the Orion. Don't test my patience, I only need one of them alive."

The line went dead. Alex gripped the phone tightly, anger and panic racing through him as he slowly set the phone on the counter and turned to Vivian. "She has them. They've taken Squints and Libby."

*  *  *

Nerissa's smile was wide and chilling as she made her way down below-decks in search of Douglas. She found him in the brig, hands on hips, surveying the captives.

"Douglas," She purred, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a heated kiss. Pulling away, she kept one arm wrapped around his shoulders and turned to face the prisoners. "How are the little darlings?"

Douglas raised an eyebrow at her, wrapping his arm around her waist. "What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

She smiled, her eyes tinting red slightly as she replied. "Oh, everything is going according to plan, that's all."

He nodded. "The boy won't give her up you know."

Nerissa sighed, slightly exasperated. "Yes of course I know. Being the hero he is, he'll try to rescue his friends. Which will play nicely into our hands."

"Mmm, and why's that?"

She detached herself from him, and walked up to the bars of the cell, gazing down at the unconscious forms of Libby and Squints. "Because, once he's here, we only need to apply the proper leverage, and he'll lead us straight back to her."

Douglas joined her, leaning his weight on the bars and casting a glance over at her. "And what proper leverage would that be?"

She turned to face him, and smiled coyly. "Now if I told you that, it would ruin the surprise." Then, straightening up, she changed the subject. "Have your men arranged what I asked for?"

Douglas nodded, straightening up as well, he draped an arm around her shoulders, and led her farther back into the ship. "They have indeed, allow me to show you."

Nerissa smiled in sinister glee as her eyes landed on the tall glass tank. She hurried forward and circled the tank. "Oh lovely, they have the chains I see, very good. And you're sure the water is laced with enough wolfs-bane to keep her placid?"

Douglas nodded. "We coated the glass with it as well, once she's in there, she won't be getting out." He stepped forward and examined the tank.

Nerissa frowned as she looked the tank over. "It will fill completely with water?"

He nodded.

"Well, how do we stop her from running out of oxygen?"

Douglas tapped the base of the tank with his foot. "Those tiny holes on the bottom hook up to oxygen tanks. Don't worry, she won't suffocate."

They were distracted by an indignant shout echoing through the brig.

"This is extremely inconvenient! You can't just go around abducting people and throwing them into dank prison cells! And good gravy what is that horrific smell?"

Nerissa rolled her eyes. "The female is awake I see. Try and keep the noise down? I'm going to go take a nap. Now that the plan is running smoothly, I might actually be able to get some rest."

She planted a quick kiss on Douglas' lips. "Wake me when the boy arrives."


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