Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

Sirens blaring. That's all I can hear. Well, all I can hear that lets me know that at least someone was on their way. Out of my peripheral vision, I see the all too familiar blue and red flashing lights, decorating the entrance wall. I wonder what Kelsey would make of this situation...Was this all a game? What did she get into? Where is she? Suddenly, a husky voice I knew very well, pulled me out of my thoughts. Darren. 

Darren was one of my closer friends at work. I would have to say that I also have a small crush on him, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Emily..?" He lays a firm, yet comforting hand on my shoulder as he leans on the back of the couch, looking down at me. I calm down a little and turn my head to look at him, tears threatening to fall.

"Yeah?" I reply, my voice shaking slightly.

"Come here..." He heaves himself up, muscles flexing slightly, opening his arms. Happily, I stand and walk into them, immediately letting his warmth engulf me. "Can you walk me through what happened?" He asks calmly as his thumb draws comforting circles on my back. I take a deep breath before looking up at him and nodding. Looking down at me, he smiles softly and gently wipes away the few tears that escaped, and ran down my cheeks.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down before he notices.

"Um..Yeah of course." I turn my back and lead him towards the apartment door.

"So, I came home from work and Kelsey threw herself onto me, happy to see me. We both then walked into the lounge," I say as I walk Darren into our cop swarmed lounge and kitchen. "and I dropped my duffel bag onto the couch and sat next to it. She then offered me coffee and I said yes. While she made it, I decided to change out of my work clothes. When I was in my room, I heard the apartment door open and a thump only a few moments later. I thought it was Nathan, my other roommate, who had finally come home and was stomping about after a rough day." I look over to Darren and see him listening and writing down some notes as I ramble on. "I then exited my room and the door was wide open and Kelsey was nowhere. When I went to look in the kitchen, I found the small pool of blood and the hand smears."

Darren looks up from writing and looks at me. He has really amazing eyes...his naturally windblown hairstyle makes me want to run my hand through it and...

"Earth to Emily!! Hello? Anyone home?" Suddenly I am pulled back to reality by the hand waving in front of my face and I realise I must have zoned out.

"S-sorry, what did you say?" He chuckles and I mentally facepalm myself at my stupidity. Clearing his throat he starts again.

"So from what you have told me, I can quite confidently say that it was planned and well organised. This person had probably been watching and knew what they had to do and how quickly they had to do it. I can also say that they would have to be fairly strong to be able to carry a full grown woman out of here, down the steps and to the end of your street without dropping her." My mouth ran dry. It was planned? Could have been watching me? Organised?

"There are also other possible options as to how this abduction could have happened." He looked at me as if searching for any sign that I didn't want him to tell me.

"And they would be....?" I prompt, letting him know I was open to other possibilities.

"Well, this person, whoever they are, could have been stalking you. So have you noticed any coincidental meetings with people you don't know? Or have you felt like you've been watched or followed?" As he says this, I wrack my brain for any times that this could have happened. Nothing sticks out so I just shake my head and wait for him to continue.

"The last option I have you aren't going to like. Still want to know?" I bite my lower lip and slowly nod. If I didn't find out, It'd eat at me until I knew.

"Well, the last option is that the person that abducted her is someone that you guys know. Someone that has gotten close to you or hates you and has been watching from afar and waiting to the right moment to pounce."

I felt my legs buckle from beneath me before a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. Someone I know...? But, how? Why would they do that!? I have to tell myself that it isn't necessarily the reason that Kelsey was abducted. Panic still worms it's way into my head and my breathing become fast and inconsistent.

"Emily! Hey Em, are you okay?" I feel his eyes land on me concerned. All I can manage is a brief nod, unable to form words. My head falls onto Darren's chest and I close my eyes, suddenly becoming very exhausted. This is nice. I'll just stay here for a while. Cosy, warm, wrapped up all safe and sound in Darren's arms. If Kelsey wasn't missing, I'd be thinking: "What a life.."


Hey my lovely readers!!! Yay, 2nd chapter! Ahhh it's getting exciting. Hope you all enjoy. Much love!!

Kate xoxo

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