I'm Not The One.

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Hey readers, this is my first one shot on here so please give me advice and whatnot.

Trigger warning: This story talks about suicide, depression, and cutting. If you are uncomfortable with these topics please don't read, for your health and safety.


You're way too young to be broken.

You woke up from another nightmare, your (h/l) (h/c) clinging to your face with sweat as tears rolled down your (s/c) cheeks. This wasn't the first time you had woken up from the 'nightmare' of your parents abandonment and your family looking the other way as they neglected you. It wasn't so much of a nightmare as it was the terrifying truth.

You're way too young to fall apart.

You got up and did your morning routine without hesitation like usual. Get up brush your (h/l) (h/c) hair possibly style it if you were in the mood, brush your teeth, put on your make up, and make breakfast but today you were feeling lower than you usually felt.

You took one glance in that mirror and you couldn't stand the person that looked back at you. Those dead (e/c) orbs stared at you as you tried to continue the routine but something snapped and you grabbed the razor blade with haste and drew those red lines across your once smooth (s/c) wrist.

You're way too young to play these games.

"Shit." You said in a hushed tone looking at the blood that pooled onto the floor. You had lost too much of the red liquid to even care about cleaning it up later and just absent-mindedly stared at your carved arms. "There is no god in this wretched world, just the devil and his illusions." Your voice rang and echoed in the bathroom and with that you closed your eyes with a sigh. "No god, you say?" A deep voice asked making your (e/c) eyes pop open to an unknown surrounding. It was dark and the floor appeared to glow, casting a ghost like mist to cover your body and swirl around your hair.

You scanned for a sign of life in the new place and your gaze landed on what appeared to be glowing magenta eyes and pure white semi-sharp teeth. "Who are you and where am I?" You called to the only visible things of the creature, aside from what looked like hooker boots. "I'm a demon and you my dear, just so happened to summon me. As to where we are, I changed your bathroom just slightly to accommodate to my liking." It spoke with a smirk at the wide eyes you were giving it at the moment. "Demons aren't real." You stated with a glare still feeling blood slide down your arms, although the pain was gone it seemed like you were still able to bleed. "I'll say this again just in different words. State your name and business." You said with venom laced in every word you spoke making the voice chuckle.

"I go by many names so I don't have one. My business here is to make a deal with you."

But you better start.

With that your interest was peeked and it had your full attention. "What kind of deal?" The curiosity in your voice make it's smirk grow as it stepped closer to you, making a loud clack sound as it did so. "One where you tell me what you want or wish for and I help achieve your goal for a price." It's voice echoed through the room and you raised a (h/c) eyebrow at the word price. "What's the price?" You asked thinking about what to wish for or what you want more than anything. "Your soul." It spoke lustfully making a heavy silence follow soon after.

Sebastian x Modern Suicidal Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now