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"Because you make me happy."

My heart was pounding fast. It felt like my heart could popped out of my chest in anytime. My hands gripped tightly to the rope of the swing as I tried to reduce how much I was trembling. I felt butterflies in my tummy and I tried my best to look normal.

"What's wrong, princess? You seem nervous." Mingyu pulled the rope closer to him, winking.

"Princess?" I snorted. I moved away land cleared my throat, trying to remove the awkward atmosphere.

"Wae? Wonwoo and Seungcheol calls you princess. Why can't I?" He pouted.

"We should get going now." I stood up from the swing. I smiled at him who was still pouting and stretched my hands out as an aid for him to stand up. Mingyu scrunched his nose and shook his head. Someone stab me I'm having trouble living he's so cute.

"C'mon, Mingyu." I pouted, imitating the way he pouted.

"Why are we going so soon? We haven't even started the fun yet." He groaned in frustration, shuffling his feet on the ground.

"We're not on a hangout, pabo. We're here with our parents and your girlfriend."

Mingyu stood up and placed his hands around my waist which made me surprised. He pulled me closer to him, closing all the spaces between us.

"Last one to reach there, loses." Mingyu whispered as he pointed to a large tree and I looked at him, smirking. I took off my heels and tied my hair up to a bun. Mingyu didn't took his eyes off of me which made me blush just by the way he stared at me.

"Get ready,"


"Go!" I shouted and ran as fast as I could. It was only Mingyu and I there. Mingyu was running with all his might. At one moment I was before him and what point it was the opposite. I smirked when I saw the tree he meant getting closer so I fasten my speed and eventually made it there first before Mingyu.

"I WON! I w-" I cheered for my small victory but Mingyu pulled me down to the grass floor and we were both lying there, looking up at the sky as we tried to retrieve back the oxygen we lost during the race.

"I never knew you were this fast." Mingyu turned around at my direction as he panted heavily.

"I never knew you were that slow." I stuck my tongue out at him and he grinned. He moved closer to me and I gave him a confused look.

"Come here you." Mingyu gently pushed my head to rest on his shoulders. Instead of just butterflies, the it felt like the whole zoo was in my stomach. Since he insisted and gave permission for me to do this, I comfortably rested my head on his shoulder as I snuggled into his arms. Mingyu's hands were around my waist which made me smile. His touch made me feel some type of way. I don't know how to say it but everytime we were close or he touches me, I felt the pit of my stomach bubbling. I felt excited and my smile won't disappear.

He felt warm and despite the tiring race, he still smelled good. He wasn't that sweating because it was a cold, chilly night and we didn't run that much.

"Ah, doesn't this feel great?" Mingyu said, staring at the sky where the stars were shining brightly.

"I never knew there were this many stars tonight." I told him as I snuggled closer to him.

"Look!" Mingyu pointed at the stars and moved his index finger, tracing a letter 'H'.

"Those stars looks like a letter 'H'." Mingyu smiled and went started to trace again.

"Those looks like the letter 'M'."

"Are you five or something?" I looked at him, chuckling.

"Hana-ah.." Mingyu called my name with a soft tone. He turned his head to look at me. I hummed as a sign for him to continue what he wanted to say.

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