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Hi!! No, this is not a update BUT PLEASE READ IT!!! This is the #Nomorebullying challenge. It's really easy to do and takes a short amount of time (I did it around in 20 mins)!!! Just write in 90 words how you deal with bullying. Than you have to shout out 7 friends and challenge them to this challenge... but instead of making new friends I play video games... YAY! This does not mean I don't have any friends but I only have a few that I think care enough to do the challenge...So yeah here is how I deal with bullying... in 92 words! (IT WAS A MISTAKE ALRIGHT):

If someone bullies my reaction would be.... well it actually depends on what type of bullying your talking about. If I am physically (hit,pushed,beat up) being bullied, I will stay FAR away from the bullies and afterwards tell a teacher and y parents. If I am verbally (called mean words,insulted etc.) bullied than I will most likely insult them back (I AM SASSY SO BEWARE). But if the person (people) keep bullying me the first thing I will think is that: "They're human too". They have their own problems and are probably taking it out on other people.

*please read this in a announcer voice* And now I Humnathegreat will say challenge 3 of my friends to do this challenge too!!!:

Daisy101790 (she has already done it),Zoralivelove and last but not least Sliverheart6354171Thanks for reading, I goodbye!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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