10:10 PM
On my bed
Dear Me of 2017,2016 was a wild year for you. In this year, you managed to make even more friends, you made yourself stronger, you got a stronger grasp of your determination and finally, you developed and nurtured a beautiful relationship with the person you love. To sum it up, this was a pretty good year, but a pretty fast one too. Maybe because we're too busy in college? Meh, at least you still managed to become a regular student. Soooo keep it up! Our goal is to become a regular student waaaaay until 5th year. Just don't be lazy. Anything can be learned if we put our effort into it! Just look at Differential Calculus! :D
My advice for you? Stay determined. You might not know it but your optimism will do a lot for you. It can make you happy and it can make other people happy. Keep on being that overly-optimistic and determined crazy dude who will do whatever it takes to keep a smile on his face because you'll need that to fight off those stress, worries and problems that will come to you in your life. You've also had a lot of tears in this year, but in this year, I learned that it's good cry sometimes. It's good to let your emotions flow once in a while because it somehow gives you that moment of deep thoughts which helps you connect with yourself.
Never ever let other people's judgment belittle you. Instead, take it as a challenge to improve yourself, to not only prove yourself to that person but to yourself as well. People will be disappointed at you, some will find you annoying but don't look at yourself in the same way that they look at you because you know that that's you. And keep being you. Be optimistic, be childish, be weird, be that never-give-up sort of guy because you have people depending on you. People you love and cherish.
PEOPLE CHANGE. I learned this the hard way. Just keep on smiling and as the song says, 'kill them with kindness'. Just understand the fact that some people will eventually change and it's natural. Just be understanding of their situation because let's face it, college can be pretty darn stressing.
I learned a lot of things this year so I can say that this year was indeed very fruitful and productive. Of course I didn't get to mention them all, I just nitpicked some. So you, 2017 me, in a nutshell; keep being you.
I don't know why I got the urge to do this tonight. I originally planned to do this on the night of my birthday but meh. Byeeeee~
P.S. : The puns. MAKE MORE.
P.P.S. : In this year, you also met the newest member of your family, Bayley! Be sure to take care of this little hairy rascal!
P.P.P.S. : NEVER give up on your course. Grind for it. Stay determined.
P.P.P.P.S. : Keep on being corny and sweet, she loves that. :)
Yours Truly,
2016 Me
Poetryev·a·nes·cent (adj.) - soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing; short-term or short-lived. A collection of anything that can be expressed by using words, letters and symbols; they all have something in common...