My Half Hour With Louis

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(A/N hey guys!(: I know it's been a little while since I updated but I've been at my dads. Sorry! This might be a little short considering I'm still at my dads and I'm typing on my phone. But tell me if you like it. Comment any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Mean comments make me sad )': so yeah(: READ VOTE COMMENT TELL YOUR FRIENDS. if you have any (; jk ily k bye)

Anna's POV~

Louis walks out of the bathroom and hands me his shirt with a pleasant "Here ya go."

"It should be done in half an hour or so," I said matter-of-factly looking at the ground. It's kinda hard to make eye contact when you can see the person you're taking to's abs right through his t-shirt. Man he was hot. Whoa wait. What am I thinking?! I'm not ready for commitment. James has taught me never to trust a man and I've sworn to myself I won't.

"Thanks so much, once again," man for a hottie this guy was really very polite and down to earth. I needed to figure out why he seemed so familiar...



Louis' POV-

I was trying to figure out if Anna knew who I was yet, while wondering whether it would change her view of me. I didn't think so. Anna seemed like the type of girl who was... Well... Perfect. Wait--no. Eleanor Jane Calder is perfect perfect perfect. I'm thinking about proposing to this girl, I can't get caught with another girl. I need to snap out of it. When my shirt dries, I'll be polite then leave. I don't even know this girl. Plus, all I was going to think was that she seems admirably uninterested in social status. Or celebrity status. I liked that, it was like El.

There I go, finally thinking the right thing about the right girl. The girl that I loved with all my heart.

"Lou... Are you ok?" She asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

She nodded.

"About my girlfriend," I added quickly, nodding my head.

"Oh. Right, your girlfriend," she said, seemingly disappointed. Was it possible that she -- no, that's crazy Lou, why would a girl like her be into me?!

"Yeah my girlfriend. Eleanor Calder, beautiful name, isn't it? Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Man, that girls perfect. She's sweet, pretty, so funny, and did I mention how pretty she is? Like, so pretty. She's perfect for me, I love her so much, she's so fun to be around an--"

"Wait. Did you say Eleanor Calder?" She asked apprehensively.

"Yes..." I said, confused. "Anyway," I launched back into my rant, "she's amazing and wonderful and just so nice and I'm thinking about asking her to marry me." I finished, pleased with myself. I had said enough to let her know that I was definitely not interested.

As I looked up, I was surprised by the expression on Anna's face. That is not the reaction I expected. I didn't even know eyes could get that wide.

Her mouth was slightly open and she wore an expression that was as if she was trying to decide whether I was joking or not. I didn't understand. Did I say something wrong? I didn't think so. I was just explaining El.

"Is something wrong?" I was concerned.

"No, no, nothing's wrong. Just one more time, did you say Eleanor Calder?"

"Yes lo-, I mean Anna," DAMN IT NOT AGAIN. "Are you feeling okay, dear?" Okay. That's it. I have a crush on Anna. Nothing wrong with that, right? It's not like I love her or anything! I love El. I love El enough to consider having a future with her.

"But, if you're dating Eleanor Calder..."

"Yes love, I'm dating Eleanor Calder." Whatever, nothing wrong with calling her "love", right? I mean, Harry calls all of our fans "love". I miss that boy.

"But if you're dating her that means you're..."

"Taken, yes. Sorry dear," I stated with a cheeky smile.

"Louis, stop it. We just met not even an hour ago, what kind of girl do you take me for?!" She said laughing.

"Well hon, you just seem very put out by the fact that I'm dating Eleanor."

"Put out, no. More along the lines of shocked. Because if you're dating Eleanor Calder --Eleanor Jane Calder right?"

"Yes, Eleanor Jane Calder..." I was a little scared. Was this girl some kind of stalker or something?

"If you're dating Eleanor Jane Calder. Then you're Louis Tomlinson."

Oh. No. I can't believe I was so stupid that I told her El's name. What if she fangirls?! What if she ties me up and puts me in her basement?!

"Yes I am." I decided to go with the smooth, tough-guy line.

"Um, from One Direction?"

I laughed. "Yes, love."

She seemed surprised. Well no shit she was surprised. Who wouldn't be? I'm Louis freaking Tomlinson for crying out loud.

"Please don't treat me any differently, Anna. I really liked whatever we had going here -- friendship or acquaintanceship or whatever. I don't want it to change just because I'm in a famous band. When I'm with you, I don't want to be Louis William Tomlinson from One Direction, I have enough of those friendships, and they're not valuable. When I'm with you, I just want to be Louis. Please promise me that."

She looked, if possible, even more dumbfounded than before.

She took my hands gently and smiled softly, "If you think for a second that I'm going to treat you any differently just because you're from a band, then you obviously don't know me yet."

I smiled back. I'm very lucky to have this girl in my life, even just as a friend.

"Thank you." I returned.

That was when the washing machine beeped.


(A/N hey guys! How was that? I'm sorry it's so late but I literally wrote the whole chapter and it got deleted. So I tried to write it up again the best I could(: leave comments helping me! But only nice ones, like I said, mean ones make me sad. READ, VOTE, COMMENT, TELL YOUR FRIENDS,and yeah. Thanks so much k bye(: ily)

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