Letter three

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       It was past midnight when Rin woke up. She was still holding the book and the letter. Rin opened the envelope and started to read:

,,Dear Rin.

If you read this letter, that mean that I'm already dead. You must know the truth about our family. I guess you've so much questions in your head. First of all, you're Rin Tolomei. Never forget it. Our family is famous here in Siena. You already met with Rozalia Salimbeni. She's my old friend and rival in the palio. But, this story isn't important now. You see, Juliet Tolomei from the story who you should read it is from our family. You know the story about Romeo and Juliet. I never told you that your real name is Juliet. Rin is your middle name. So, I guess there should be Romeo too, because the history is repeating. Also, you must find your cousin, Ruri Kurosaki. She will explain you a lot of things. Also, be careful of that evil man, named Leo... He wants us dead. Be careful, my sweety and find your Romeo.

                                With love,
                             your mother"

Rin put the letter on the bed and she was crying. She said:

- Mum. I swear I'll find that killer and he'll pay... Don't worry mum. Everything will be fine.

She lied on the bed smiling and tried to sleep. It was already morning, when Rin couldn't sleep. She has meeting today with Rozalia. Rin took a shower and dressed up. She rushed to the caffee shop where the brown haired woman was waiting with one cute blue with blond bangs haired boy. Rin came to them saying:

- Good morning.

Rozalia asked:

- Oh, good morning sweety. Did you sleep well?

Rin answered:

- Yeah. I read my mum's letter. She told me everything. Also about the old legend about Romeo and Juliet. This is crazy. I'm not Juliet...

Rozalia smiled saying:

- Calm down, sweety. You didn't meet with Yugo. He's my good friend.

Yugo smiled saying:

- It's nice to meet you, Rin.

Rin blushed looking in his beautiful blue eyes with her orange eyes saying:

- I-it's nice to meet you too.

Rozalia said:

- You see, Yugo, Rin arrived yesterday in Siena and she doesn't know the city yet. Can you show her the town, right?

Yugo said:

- Of course. I'd love to.

Rin smiled saying:

- Thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. I must meet with my cousin Ruri Kurosaki. My mum wrote that she knows everything...

Rozalia said:

- Of course. We'll go tomorrow. I must tell her that you want to meet Ruri.

Rin said:

- Thanks, Rozalia.

Yugo smiled saying:

- So, shall we go, Rin?

Rin nodded and they went to see the town. Rin was exited meeting the new mysterious boy without knowing who he really is.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter, coming soon... ^^

Letters to Rin YugoxRin (Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V)Where stories live. Discover now