Letter seventeen

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              Yugo was rushing to the place to save Rin. He thought ,,If that bastard do something to my Rin, I swear I'll kill him. I don't care about family allies or not" He come finally to the place where Yuri held Rin. He screamed:


He rushed inside the place and Yuri said:

- Oh, here's our Romeo. Arrive just in time.

Rin was crying and said:

- Yugo...

Yuri look at her coldly and smirked saying:

- I do really love reunions, but...Romeo! You really are an idiot coming here.

Yugo said:

- Let go of Rin, you bastard!

Yuri smirked saying:

- Hmm... Juliet is important here, you know!

Yugo asked:

- Why?

Yuri smirked answering:

- Because... She doesn't know what you did...

Rin asked confused:

- What he did?

Yuri smirked answering:

- He came closer to you with hope that he'll use you for the map... But, unfortunately he burn the map and now, he don't need you anymore!

Yugo said angry:

- Stop lying you bastard! I love her! If I didn't care about her I wouldn't be here.

Yuri said:

- Sure, you must be loyal Romeo. You even hate being him... You hate being from his line!

Yugo said:

- That's not your problem. The only problem is that you're jealous.

Yuri laughed saying:

- True... Romeo and Juliet... Love... That's boring and I think we need to change it.

Rin cried saying:

- Romeo and Juliet died! We wont die!

Yuri said:

- True... But you'll suffer, because it's more fun!

Yugo said:

- You bastard!

Yuri laughed knocking out Rin and said:

- She's useless now.

Yugo said:

- Then let her go!

Yuri said:

- Of course. I don't need her... Well... She's cute but I guess not too good for my liking. See ya, Romeo!

Then Yuri left laughing. Yugo took Rin in his hands saying:

- I wont let anything to happen to you, my love. I'll protect you, because we still need to protect the tomb of Romeo and Juliet.

Then he left. Yugo was happy that he finally freed Rin from Yuri's claws.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter, coming soon... ^^

Letters to Rin YugoxRin (Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V)Where stories live. Discover now