Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Home for the Holidays

The next morning after breakfast, Ginny came up to the group of friends carrying gifts.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the dueling club. You were right, Luna, it is proof that Harry belongs in Slytherin. Please, accept my Christmas gifts to you now as a peace offering, and know that I expect nothing in return." She handed them their gifts and turned to leave.

"Ginny," called Harry. "I'll forgive you this once, but know that it's going to take quite a while before I trust you. You seem to have an alternate agenda, and I don't like that in my friends."

"I understand, Harry, and I'm really, really sorry. From the depths of my heart, I promise it won't happen again. It's just a lot of new ideas to learn, you know?" Harry nodded and she left. As soon as she was out of earshot, he turned to the others.

"I wonder what she gave us, and what she's really up to. Slytherin or not, she's Weasley through and through, unlike her twin brothers." They all murmured their agreement before heading down to the train.

After finding themselves a compartment and settling in, Hermione cast a few privacy spells. Harry assumed they would discuss their plans regarding the Veritaserum. Hermione, however, obviously had other ideas. She rounded on Draco almost instantly.

"Draco Malfoy! How DARE you make fun of muggles. My parents are muggles! For Merlin's sake, Draco, I lived as a muggle for nearly 12 years! Harry for 11 years! You have got to learn to think before you speak!"

"Mia? Is this about last night?" It was the wrong thing to say.

"Of course it's about last night! What else would I be referring to?"

"I didn't mean anything by it, honest!"

"It doesn't matter! By referring to some muggles as beneath you, you refer to all of them that way!"

"But I didn't..." Hermione cut him off.

"Arthur Weasley loves muggles so much, he should snap his wand in half and live with them. That implies that they are beneath you, blockhead."

"Ok, I'm sorry, Mia. I'm working against a lot of years of ideals here. Most of the Slytherins are. You have to realize you're a new phenomenon, a breakthrough, if you will."

"I know, I mean to be. I want to end this pureblood nonsense. I'm just as powerful and knowledgeable as all of you, muggleborn or not!"

"Which is exactly why Slytherin house has been so accepting of you. Mia, we're trying, even if it doesn't seem like it to you." Hermione huffed and looked out the window. Draco gave Harry a pleading look, obviously hoping he would help him out.

"So, how are we going to convince our parents to let us have the party?" asked Harry, very obviously trying to change the subject.

"Maybe we can try Luna's idea of telling them the truth, or at least, a version of it."

"Well, I suppose, but Draco, do you really think that will work?"

"There's only one way to find out," answered Hermione, who was intrigued despite her anger. Truth be told, she never was one to truly stay angry, especially after someone apologized. "Now, the more important question is how we're going to administer the Veritaserum and its antidote. And we certainly don't want any adults around while we ask, as they'd definitely notice something is up." The friends continued to discuss their plans until they reached London, where they exited the train and went in search of their parents. They were very surprised to find Hermione's parents and Luna's father talking to the Malfoys and the Riddles.

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