Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Lord Bedume

Knowing that Ginny's odd behavior was exactly what they had been waiting for, Harry and Draco followed her, careful not to attract her notice for fear of breaking whatever spell or curse was on her.

Ginny walked through the mostly empty common room into the dungeons. They followed her all the way up to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry and Draco looked at each other, as Harry made the connection.

Of course! Myrtle's bathroom. It makes so much sense. It was where the first attack took place. And the writing is there, or, well, right outside it.

When they made it into the bathroom, they saw an odd sight indeed. The sinks against the wall were moving. They were sliding in toward each other, concealing a large opening in the wall. Harry and Draco raced toward the opening, but didn't dare go through, as they were certain the walls would close on them. When the sinks stopped moving, they started examining each sink, searching for a way to activate the movement.

"Try the one in the middle, it's never worked."

Harry spun around and saw Myrtle hovering just outside her favorite stall. "Oh, hello, Myrtle. The middle one, you say?"


"Ok, thanks."

"Harry! Look at this!" Harry looked to the spout Draco was pointing out. He saw a small etching of a snake and knew instantly what he needed to do.

With the power of The Sacred One, I command you to open.

As expected, the sinks slid apart once more. Harry looked to Draco, nodded, and jumped into the hole. As Draco and the bathroom disappeared from view, he could have sworn he heard Myrtle calling:

"Good luck, Sacred One!" But of course, that made no sense. Harry had expected the opening to be a long drop, like going through the trapdoor the previous year, but he had actually entered some kind of tube. He slid down under the school, and probably even under the lake. He was certain he must be going miles beneath the surface. Finally, the tube leveled off and he shot out the end. He landed roughly, crunching what turned out to be rat bones. He lit his wand just as Draco shot out of the tube.

"Ergh! This is disgusting! Hermione's lucky I love her so much."

"Hold still, Draco, I'll clean you up some." Harry quietly murmured a cleaning spell he had been practicing.

"Wow, thanks Harry! Where'd you learn that?"

"One of the books I got for Christmas."

"Nice. Now, let's go save our girls."

"Sounds good," said Harry as they set off. Harry and Draco followed along the tunnel for what felt like hours. Finally, as they crept around yet another bend, they saw a solid wall ahead on which two entwined serpents were carved, their eyes set with great, glinting emeralds. Harry approached first, his throat dry. He eyed the snakes with trepidation, as their eyes looked strangely alive. He could guess what he had to do. He cleared his throat, and the emerald eyes seemed to flicker.

With the power of The Sacred One, I command you to open for me.

The serpents parted as the wall cracked open, and the halves slid smoothly out of sight. They stepped through, and Harry was surprised to be standing at the end of a very long, dimly lit chamber. The main area of light seemed to be coming from the far end of the chamber. Towering stone pillars entwined with more carved serpents rose to support a ceiling lost in darkness, casting long, black shadows through the odd, greenish gloom that filled the place. Harry stood listening to the chill silence. Where was the Dracolisk? And where were the girls?

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