Chapter .3

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Hey all, how are you? long time no see huh? A couple years or so i guess..

What can I say I'm as mysterious as these bad boys i write about haha! 

I stopped writing for a really long time, and I don't know what has gotten into me today but I remembered that I have stories on wattpad and decided to read them again and well, this is the outcome of what happened! 

Enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 3.

"What's your name?" Jackson asked him as my ears perked up in curiosity.

"Tyler." His familiar husky voice bounced of the walls, and a little smile peaked at my lips

Tyler, hmm, kinda cute.

"How old are you?" Jackson continued.

There was silence for awhile before he answered. "Twenty-two."

Jackson seemed surprised. "You're a young lad. I've never seen you around here before, you new in town?"


"Where are you from?"

Tyler didn't reply.

"Answer my question." Jackson persisted.

"I dont fucking know, I travel alot." Tyler sounded annoyed.

"Why are you---"

"What's with the 21 fucking questions?!" Tyler quickly cut him off.


"You better watch your fucking mouth, Tyler." Jackson was pissed off. "Now, last night, where were you?" I gulped nervously at this question, oh shit, Jackson knows, doesn't he?!

"None of your fucking business." I let go of the breath I had unknowingly been holding, grateful that he wasn't opening his mouth about last night.

"Just answer the fucking question." Jackson spoke sternly. Goddamn, my ears are burning from all this swearing.

Tyler sighed. "I was at that park."

"Down the road from here?"

"Fuck knows man, I don't know these streets, I've only been here for a week." Tyler sounded annoyed.

"You we're in a fight last night, with one of my men, correct?"

Wait a minute--this wasn't about me! This was about that man he was beating up when I saw him for the first time! I did a quite little happy dance as I realised I was in the all clear!

"What's the point of asking if you already know?"

Jackson continued talking. "I don't understand how you managed to land one of my best fighters in the hospital"

"Maybe he just wasn't all that good, darling." Tyler taunted, with his witty little comments.

The next thing I knew, I heard Tyler wheezing as he was punched in the stomach.

"He wont be leaving the hospital for another couple months, you did a real good number on him." Jackson continued.

"Impressed?" I could hear the smugness in Tyler's voice as he was still a little out of breath.

"Slightly." Jackson shrugged. "Although, I admit, apart from your shitty personality you are quite talented."

"That's what all the ladies tell me too." Tyler chuckled.

I could just imagine Jackson rolling his eyes at him, "Shut up and listen, I didn't bring you hear to chat--"

"It sure fucking seems like you d--" Tyler groaned in pain. "Ouch! What the fuck man!" He wheezed out.

"Interrupt me again and you'll have another black eye. Now, I'll put the aside the urge of slamming your face into this coffee table and ask you to join our gang."

There was a lengthy period of silence in the room as millions of questions ran through my mind. Exactly what was even happening right now? being the loudest pounding inside my brain.

"Why?" Tyler sounded shocked himself.

"Seeing as your fighting abilities are quite commendable, you could be of quite use to us, you just need to learn to shut the fuck up and you'll fit right in to the gang." Jackson shrugged.

There was another moment of silence as his words registered into Tyler's brain. "I'm not joining your stupid little gang."

I felt like I could hear just Jackson grind his teeth together. "Stupid?" I heard Tyler groan in pain once again, big surprise there!  "Do you even know who I am kid?" 

"No, and I don't give a fuck either, what would I even get out of this?" He ground out.

"I've looked up all your files, checked your background and I know you need me kid. You should be thankful that I've asked you to join. " It was quite for awhile. "If you decline our offer,  just remember that you decided to hurt one of my men and for that, I'll make sure you regret even thinking about ever looking in our direction again. However, accept the offer and what happened last night will be forgotten and the gangs loyalty and protection will be yours as long as yours is with us. Sound simple enough?"

Tyler was quite again and I was left speechless. Well damn, join the gang or be beaten to a pulp every time the gang see's you? Selfishly speaking, I didn't really want him to join the gang--i mean, no i don't care, he can do what he wants, yeah, it's just whatever.

"I'll let you think this over, come back to me in three days with your final decision, kid." Jackson finalised.

"Fine whatever, stop calling me kid." Tyler finally opened his mouth.

"Yeah? Well stop acting like one."

"You're acting like a kid." Tyler mimicked him back. wow, what a child.

"Are you pouting right now?" Jackson chuckled.

A loud giggle escaped my lips before I could stop it and I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth. Oh shit, oh shit oh shit! just the image of Tyler pouting had me cracking up and I couldn't control myself. 

"Ella!" Jackson called out and I let out a deep sigh, well here comes my lecture. I stepped into the room that had everyone in it with a little, innocent smile gracing my face, "Hey there, whats up big bro--." I tried to play it cool but was quickly cut off by Jackson.

"Didn't I tell you to go upstairs?"

"Yeah you did but I'm super duper hungry an--"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't come downstairs when I'm handling business." He came to stand in front of me.

"Yeah, but--"

"No, I don't want to hear it, go to your room." He was stern.

"I'm sorry I j--"

"Leave." I quickly nodded my head, and looked up to see all eyes on me and gulped loudly, embarrassed. My eyes flickered to meet Tyler's beautiful hazel ones and before I turned around to quickly leave, he gave me a quick wink and a small cheeky smile. A huge blush erupted on my cheeks and I quickly turned around and made my way towards my room before anyone would take notice.  


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