{♡} autumn days; e {♡}

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im emotionally drained


you and e strolled through the thick fields of crops, grazing your hands over the tops of them which ended right above your waist. your hand intertwined with ethans as you approached the end of the walk.

He pulled your closer to his body, his hand caressing your hip.

"oh. my. god." he spoke squarely.

"what's up babe?" You asked him, trying to spot what he was looking at.

you eyes scanned the surrounding fields until your eyes landed on what you knew your boyfriend was looking at...

A huge pile of leaves.

Ethan raced ahead of you, before diving head first into the crisp leaves. You laughed at his immature behaviour before jumping straight onto him.

your body collided on top of his. there was a slight pause.

"you're so fucking beautiful." Ethan breathed out.

You blushed, about to get up. But Ethan's hand suddenly pulled you back down.

Your breath hitched as you stared at his perfectly chiselled features. you leaned closer and closer until your lips collided. Ethan hummed into the kiss, sending a slight vibration. You chuckled at his action.

"I love you my baby." ethan spoke, his plump lips still lingering over yours.

"I love you more my babe."

"I love you most my angel."


im really sorry that that was so short

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