Chapter 12

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Chapters 12

As Layla walked up to the pack house her heart was beating rapidly. Not due to her being physically weak but it was the fear that Jayden might get angry that she had visited Roy again instead of joining the pack barbecue. Not only was that playing on her mind but also the fear if Jayden knew about Leon. She wasn't embarrassed of Leon but scared for his safety. He was still human.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard a whimper. In an instant she turned around following the cry of a child, she knew it was dangerous but it sounded as a cry of despair.

Her footsteps were slow and quiet, she didn't want to alarm the child. Her eyes wondered around the forest that was near the pack house. She knew if she screamed for help they could hear her.

Hearing the bustling and snapping of twigs made her ears perk while her eyes travelled to see a little girl hiding behind a tree. Instantly her heart rate went back to its normal pace realising it was just a child and not a trap.

"Hello" she whispered gently crouching down to the ground so the scared little girl wouldn't feel intimidated or fearful.

The reply she received was a sob which made Layla's heart drop at the sound.

"Are you okay?" she asked gently, slowly making her way over to the little girl that quivered hiding away from her.

"I'm scared" the little girl hoarsely whispered fearful while she hiccuped.

"I wont you hurt you" Layla was almost there. But in an instant her stomach clenched and she felt sick. The smell was overpowering making Layla cover her mouth to stop herself from vomiting.

Slowly she turned towards where the putrid smell was emitting from. She gasped in horror as she saw a women lay slaughtered on the dirty ground with leafs surrounding her while the forest hid her. It looked as though the body had been there for a while.

The little girl jumped into Layla's open arms that welcomed her. Instantly she wrapped her arms around the little girl while her laboured sobbed could be heard. Layla couldn't help but feel heart tear from just hearing the agonising cry from the little girl.

She removed her cardigan slowly putting it over the little girls body ensuring she stayed warm.

Though Layla was weak she picked her up from the gorund. The little girl instantly wrapped her small little legs around Layla's tiny waist while her face buried into Laylas neck.

"Shh" Layla whispered stroking her hair.

At that moment Layla didn't want to bombarded the little girl with questions instead Layla stood slowly walking away from the body.

"No!" the little girl screamed making Layla take step back and hug the girl tighter.

"I need to get you somewhere safe. We'll come back for her sweetie" her voice was gentle and loving making the little girl look up to Layla with her bold blue eyes with utter trust.

"Promise" her bottom lips trembled while she looked at Layla.

"I promise" Layla said making the little girl nod her head.

As they walked towards safety the little girl watched as her mothers dead body disappeared. But she relaxed into the arm of the women who saved her.

Finally as she entered the pack house. In the room stood Jayden's parents who turned to Layla holding the little girl. The confusion and worry was written on their face.

"Oh what happened?" Jayden's mother, Amy asked worriedly.

"I found her in the woods." Layla's voice was soft as she spoke making the little girl feel at ease even more. "Her mother she's been" Layla stopped quietly mouthing the word 'murdered' making Amy gasp and her husband look down at the little girl with pity.

"Come on child I'll take you to get checked up" Amy approached the child.

"No!" the little girl cried, the little girl held on tighter to Layla who winced at the grip. She giggled tenderly as she stepped back and hum to the little girl.

"Shes scared" Layla told them with a soft smile.

"Make sure she is warmed up I'll get her the pack doctor" Amy told her.

"Mummy?" the girl turned to Layla. Her cheeks stained with her dried tears her eyes red and puffy. Layla landed a kiss in her dirty forehead before turning to the old alpha informing about her mums body.

The old alpha Jim had made sure that the body was collected and aided at instantly. Her funeral had taken soon after. The little girl had sobbed and gave her final kissed and goodbye to her loyal mother.


It had been 2 weeks while the little girl, Eleanor stayed with her and her family. Though Layla's family and other pack member were apprehensive about her at first they grew to love little Eleanor. Though the little girl hardly interacted with the others only sticking to Layla. The ill she wolf took care if the little girl, singing her to sleep and holding her in her arms as she slept through the night. Eleanor had nightmares but Layla would always step in and cuddle her and chasing away her nightmares.

However Layla's health was deteriorating as time went by. She had gone to couple of doctor visits speaking about her chemo but she felt like part of her didn't want to fight this anymore but she knew she had to.

Life was getting difficult for her. hiding form her family, trying to stay strong for Roy and his family and making sure she had time for Leon.

It had even become harder since Eleanor arrived as the little girl picked up on a lot of things. Leon had been very helpful with taking care of Eleanor while Layla sat only few inches away from the little girl. It had been hard at the beginning but the little girl started to warm up to Leon, but she still wasn't entirely okay with being alone with him. The only person she was comfortable was with Layla.

In a way Layla saw it as a blessing i disguise. Eleanor seem to erase the pain that she constantly had to deal with. Layla was fighting to live for her her little Eleanor. Her baby butterfly.

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