Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Mama it's perfect" Layla voice softly spoke.

Her mother was angry at the taste of her food. The lasagne that her husband has always loved was now tasting like dirt. Her food was always delicious it's just this time she had added more salt than usual; this was because while she was cooking she thought about her husband.

"No it's not Layla. It's awful!" she screamed. Tears seeping down her pale cheek's, thinking about how much of a bad mother she is becoming. Not even able to cook her famous Lasagne that everyone loves. "How the hell did your father ever cope with my cooking?" she whispered, crying her anger away. This was her way to cope,letting out the loneliness and darkness that fills her soul. Her soul that should be shining like the sun. But no it is filled with emptiness. Only if her husband was brought back to life her heart would be full again. No medication could fill in the empty whole in her heart.

Layla frowned at her mother's inquisition. Shaking her head to all the negative thoughts running in her mums head.

Layla shook her head in disagreement once again her eyes filling with tears at the state if her mothers current mood. She felt so sad watching her mum get so frustrated and sad.

Watching her own mother feel such a way made Layla feel so incomplete. Every day she watched her mum cry over her father and drown herself into alcohol. The alcohol Layla has hated and sworn never to touch.

"Mama. Papa has always loved your food." she stepped closer to her mum. "Mama I love your food." her gentle hands lay i. Her mothers shoulder. "Take a nap for a while" Layla's voice filled with concern. Concern for her mother's health. All Layla ever wanted is to watch her mum smile involuntary.

"Layla, did he?" her mother questioned sniffling.

"Yes mama he would mention to me your cooking was always something he couldn't wait to eat when he came home. Mama take a nap and I'll let you in all the secrets papa shared with me" Layla giggled which lit her mums face up.

Layla's mother looked down at her daughter adoring her kindness. The kindness that made Layla who she is. Never ever did she see Layla in a dark hole or even go into depression like she is? She wished that she could have a life like Layla. And the strength that Layla possessed.

But little did Layla's mother know that she was suffering from rejection and depression of her own. For everyone it was hard to see since Layla covered it up with a smile; not a fake but a genuine smile.

Layla never pondered over the negative sides of things but seemed to run deep into the positive side of every situation. Only if Layla's mother's thinking was just like her daughters.

Rachel walked up to her daughter holding her into her motherly hold. Layla smiled at the affection her mother was giving her, holding on to it, not knowing when the next time her mother will hold her like this.

"Oh my Layla you're a sweetheart. Your dad always told me my cooking was unique" she beamed laughing at the memories of her deceased husband. But then tears began stinging her eyes. Her eyes were all red and puffy from the crying so it didn't matter if her ocean blue eyes got ruined from the bloodshot, this was the new Rachel and she wasn't thinking of going back to the old. The old Rachel died when her husband had.

"And he is right" Layla smiled. Sniffing in her mother's scent, but it was different to the strawberry motherly scent, it smelled like alcohol. Layla was now the one tearing up at the image and scent of her mother. All she wanted was her mother to come back, even if that meant only her scent, Layla would be overjoyed. But no, her mother smelled, act and became different. Not the mother who would take her out shopping, or cook with her, or even talk about boys. No her mother was long gone.

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