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Fate and love are the two most mysterious things I have ever encountered, and I thought I had both of them pretty much figured out.

Fate could be explained in many ways; chance, spirits, or maybe we're floating through our existence, randomly bumping into problems and people. Maybe we follow a path predetermined by higher powers that goes unnoticed to us.

Love was, at one time, explained, to me anyway, as a feeling towards another person. Not just any feeling, though, it was a strong pull, if you will, directing you towards someone attractive. Nothing too unbelievably crazy. Just love. Well, until I spent a summer in the hicks, that is.


Okay, this will be my first book on Wattpad, so please bear with me in the early stages. If this sounds interesting at all, please comment! I already have the first couple of chapters written but I need to know if I should follow through with this book! Thanks!


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