Now she will be mine...

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Hot/Hikaru's pov~
My planed work. Ha my brother though he could have a mind slave without me knowing. I also want James and the other rivals dead but I would either kill them myself if I was a yandere like my stupid brother . He doesn't now that I would give her food or fix her cuts. I did so it wouldn't work. Now (Y/n) will be mine. I then see Cole leaving. Maybe I should hurt him? I grab out my packet knife and follow him.

Cold/Cole's pov~
I followed (Y/n) and Niall. They stopped walking and Niall looked at my (Y/n). He then kisses her on the lips. '(Y/n)~Chan isn't going to kiss him back because she loves me!' I thought to myself. I then see (Y/n) kissing him back. They were making out. I hold the knife tightly in my hand. 'She will be mine and not his..' I think to myself. They then stop making out. "I love you (Y/n)~Chan!Will you be my girlfriend!" Said Niall. "Yes! And I love you too Niall~Kun!"(Y/n) said. I feel heartbroken but I won't be for long. They the look at me. "Oh hi Cold~Kun what are you doing here?"
Asked (Y/n). "Oh I just came here to talk to Niall alone but I saw you guy's m-making o-out so I waited until you guy's were done." I said with a fake smile. "Oh okay! I will leave you two alone! Bye Niall~Kun!" She said and then kissed his cheek. "Bye Cold~Kun!" She said waving bye at me and then she left. I look at Niall. I got closer to him. "Cold~Kun what are you doing?" Niall ask me. "Don't call me that call me Cole because only (Y/n)~Chan can call me Cold~Kun.." I said. "But I thought your name was Cold!" He says. "Nope my name Cole. Now it's time for you to die!" I said. I take out my knife. I then tackle him to the ground and stab him multiple times. Once I was done killing him I went to dig a hole. I then put his body in the hole and bury it. I then laugh so I won't look insane. I then put the knife in the in incinerator. I then went to clean my self. I throw my clothes in the incinerator . I turn on the incinerator. I clean up all the blood one the floor. "Now she will be Mine!" I say to myself.

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