Chapter 1 ~ The End

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 Hiya readers!

 This is my second story on wattpad! Whoop whoop! The first chapter is kind of sad (especially considering I have an old golden retriever), but - don't worry - it gets lighter in the future. So read on! If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or tips, don't be shy! I'm 13; I need those tips to improve in the future! Please, please, please vote or comment - I would appreciate it greatly!

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy For Ever! :)

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                                                                The End

   Silence spreads over the car like a blanket of frost covering the twigs of a tree. With a family of five - including our golden retriever, Popcorn - you'd think there would be some conversation. But the only sound that fills the room is the heavy breathing of our sweet dog in the back and a twelve year-old sleeping Kay.

   I gaze out the window at the mountains, a blur of reds and tans mixed together with specks of green from trees dotting the surface. Enjoying the Arizona scenery with my eyes, though having no idea why I have this terrible feeling inside me and noticing how everyone else seems to be shifting uncomfortably, too.  

  I reach for my iPod, shove the buds into my ears, and begin scrolling through the list, attempting to find something to drown out the sound of the engine. All the while breathing in and out, trying to get the butterflies to stop fluttering around and just rest. Finally, I settle on a song and close my eyes.

   But it doesn't drown out the sound of tires screeching right before everything goes black.

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  I wake up laying in a bed of grass, the softest grass you could possibly imagine. Though when I open my eyes my imagination ironically expands as I take in the magic playing around me. Sparkling branches of a tree twist above me in such a lively way that it takes me a minute to realize that they actually are moving.  

 I sit up and my breath is immediately taken away as I look over a field full of millions of flowers of every color, every size, every scent expanding til they reach the edge where white fog keeps the rest hidden, almost like an unfinished painting in the middle of a canvas. The edges are undiscovered. And only if you dare to go that far, will you see the rest.

  The sky is gone and instead replaced by light rays that race down to the ground, trailing sparkles as they go in such an unearthly way it makes me wonder if I'm dead.

  And, though I'm pretty sure I'm not, I can't help but get up to my feet, turn a circle, then huff in utter defeat when I realize I'm alone and begin to feel lost. Like I'm supposed to be going somewhere but I'm not.

  "Ever!" I hear a familiar voice call and instinctively turn, amazed at my new energy and speed I've achieved.

  My gaze sets on a bridge in the distance where my mom, dad, and sister Kay - who's waving - are waiting for me so we can cross the bridge. Though the other side of it is obscured by that same mystical white fog. And although I have no idea where it may lead, I begin running towards it. Knowing that whever my family goes, I go with them.

  But as soon as I get close I realize Kay wasn't waving for me to come - she was waving goodbye.

I glance over at my mom and dad to see they're shaking they're heads sadly, wishing I could come, but knowing it isn't right.

My heart sinks.

 And even though I know I'm supposed to obey family orders, I grab onto a thread of hope and keep running, wanting to go with them more than anything in the world. Possibly in the worlds.

 Suddenly, I feel a warm, energetic hand grabs a hold of mine, opposite of the cold I start to feel creeping inside my heart, inside me. Making me stop and turn to look at a pair of the most amazingly bright blue eyes I have ever seen.

  "It's not your time," he says, shaking his head of black hair.

I turn back to look at my family to see they're already crossing over.

Watching as Popcorn's tail fades into the white fog.  

Knowing that's the last I'll ever see of them.    

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