Epilogue - Appalling Truths

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Yes, thought Montag, that's one I'll save for noon. For noon...(158)

Montag then decided to speed up his walking pace; noon came faster than he thought it would. He looked straight-ahead at his bright new future, and not the path he was travelling. He found himself unaware of what was beneath his feet, and accidentally tripped on a rock. He landed on another rock, which made the injury more horrible.

Granger then stopped his walking and see Montag's injury. "Montag you okay? Montag?"

Montag woke up. Confused, he found himself surrounded by bright lights and the color white, all appalling him. He then found a shadow confining his view of the ceiling. He finds that shadow startling his train of thought on where he was.

"Hmm, it seems you made it," a voice then said.

Montag assumed it was the shadows since the voice didn't sound that distant. His vision then unblurred to see a doctor observing him. The doctor seemed to have the look of concern and relief on his face. The doctor then shined a glaring light into his eyes making his vision less of a blur.

"Okay, now that should help you Montag!" said the doctor.

Montag just stared at him, confused.

"Where am I?"

"Ah, well Montag my friend... You're in the hospital room!" replied the Doctor with an expression of joy.

"How did I get here?"

"Montag, you had a little accident at work a little over three weeks ago, and that accident triggered you into a coma. We were worried you weren't going to make it."

"Oh" replied Montag perplexed and not fully functioning yet.

"Alright, well why don't you take a little time to recover, and in maybe ten minutes, one of my nurses will help you out."

10 minutes passed by. Montag was still weary, but full on aware a nurse was coming to help him soon.

"Well, look who looks pretty tired right now" said the nurse as she came through the door.

Montag had a startled look on his face from the appearance of the nurse. Montag thought she looked exactly like Clarisse.

"You now look a little more awake I'm guessing. Well I'm assuming you are so let me introduce myself. My name is Clarisse and I'll be helping you mainly."

"Wait, what's your name again?" Montag said while mumbling it.

"Clarisse, I'll be helping you out with your transition back to regular life Montag."

"Oh okay," was the only thing Montag said back. It was just so appalling to him seeing her again, though he still thought she died. All these thoughts and memories with Clarisse felt like it was a gossamer dream that couldn't ever be found again. Montag just decided to lay down again and stare at the ceiling.

Thirty minutes passed by, Montag was just still looking at the ceiling. Clarisse came back into his room, and said "Hey Montag, I got some medication that can help you recover from being under for so long,"

Montag got up slowly and looked inside the cup of pills he was given.

"Hey Clarisse, can I get some water to take these with?" Montag said feeling very tired.

"Of course" replied Clarisse and walked out of the room. She came back very quick and handed Montag the cup of water. He felt like he was going to spill it since both of his hands were quivering from all his thoughts. He made the cup successfully get to open mouth sipping slowly while also swallowing the giant pills filling up his throat. Clarisse was sitting on the side of the plastic bed, looking out the window. All she saw was the world she lived in downgrading itself with stupidity. The complex of apartments two blocks away, illuminating the windows since of the parlour walls. The fires always burning and all around the town.

"Our society is dimming down a lot, huh Montag?"

Montag turned his head to the left where the window was and observed the city.

"I agree, it looks awful right now."

"I wish I could stand up for everyone and also make them have more knowledge. Like I want everyone to be more philosophical instead of brainwashed!" said Clarisse.

Montag just kept observing the world. "Yah I get you." he said. His eyes were wide open and pupils dilated so much. He heard a knock on the door to his room which took him out from observing. Another nurse came by.

"Montag you have a visitor. Should I send her in?"

"Yes go ahead." replied Clarisse for him.

A few seconds after, Mildred came in.

"Montag I got a call, you woke up. We got to talk about us."

"I'll get out of here for a little," said Clarisse.

"What is it Mildred?" said Montag who was completely drugged up.

"Well Montag, I thought you weren't going to come back to us. So I decided to go out and find someone else,"

"Wait what? You couldn't have"

"Yes I did, I need you to sign these divorce papers, because the person I'm with right now full on understands me, unlike you."

"Mildred, I'll sign these, then leave and pack up your stuff. I don't want you in my house."

"Well that's where I'll stop you Montag, the house is now mine since I thought weren't going to make it. So the house is mine..."

"Mildred, why?"

"I'm sorry, and thanks for signing. I'll leave now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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