What Now?

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  • Dedicated to R.I.P Ellis Johaan

Codi's memories came flooding back; the murder, the dead friend, the new girl, the chase...

She sat bolt upright, "SHIT!" she muttered under her breath. Hissing due to the scabs she got after burning her hand, Codi called Ellis. Ellis answered in her hoarse voice as she hadn't had anything to drink. Codi whispered, "Ellis, I-I have, erm... a crush on you?", then gasped. Ellis replied stating that she did as well. Codi's hazel brown eyes started at the ingeniously evil phone. It crashed, then returned in its normal, fingerprint tainted state. Codi instantaneously drifted off to sleep.

Codi's POV:

I caught my eyes to Hel & Lucy, the most popular attention whores in the school. Hel shouted 'tranny' so everyone would just laugh at my scarred, deformed state. Ellis ran up and bear hugged me! I felt better by that. "You're no tranny, Codi.", she whispers in my ear. I've known Ellis for two days. Two days!! She was adorable, so adorable.

Ellis' POV:

Och! Helvetica and Lucia. They were trannies! Yup, it's the fact that they have 'invisible' dicks on their heads. Fuck this, I'm not arsed with dealing with this shit. Those two spoilt bitches need a taste of their own medicine. Why change our fate when you could choose yours? Destiny is not our own command while fate is beyond it.

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