Where Now?

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Ellis' POV continued:

Why did I do it? I was so fucking stupid, why did I do it? Why? I'm in critical condition at the infirmary. I wished I was really dead. Seriously. I did.

Codi's POV:

Fuck you Hel. Good luck with the police, you bitch. Remember Chelsea? You killed her. She killed herself because of YOU! If you saw this right now, you'd regret calling Chelsea, me and Ellis bisexual. But no, you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself. Goodbye.

Ellis' POV:

As I am conscious, I couldn't breathe out the slightest bit of carbon dioxide. I needed a ventilation system and Holly, Nessie and Claryss handed me flowers. All but Codi. I was worried. Claryss says police have detained her to interrogate her about Chelsea MacCrackyn. She had nothing to do with Chelsea's death. They were good friends! Why question her though? She's 14, like me! Why though, WHY?

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