Chapter Three- Alex

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I awake with my head pounding intensely.

What happened? I ask myself, and all I remember from last night is everything up until stumbling out of the mansion, then all of the rest is a blur. My eyes open, and I see a completely unfamiliar room. Not the room from the party last night, and certainly not my house. I begin to freak out, I'm laying across a couch in a small, apartment it seems since you can clearly see the kitchen attached to the whole room. I sit up, trying to recess further through the night before after I exited the mansion's steps. My brain pounds harder as I attempt to play out the image in my head, but my head only rejects the idea and starts to produce tears in my eyes.

I hear a masculine groan come from another room behind me. I whip my head back and shake my head slowly, What the hell did I do? I ask myself, thinking of numerous possibilities and the only that came up was I had lost my virginity to a spiked punch! I didn't feel sore down there, was that a good thing? Did a serial killer kidnap me and then play this whole 'saved' scene then run in with a machete a chop my head off? My eyes nearly bulged out of my pulsating head as I stop any further thoughts from forming. Footsteps are thumping on the floor as I glance around the room as fast as I can without getting nauseous and settle with an umbrella and scramble over to it on all fours across the floor and pick it up, getting to my feet and hold it in a batter position while the footsteps come closer. From around the corner a male figure emerges. The light is so bright that it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. A man is standing in front of me, wearing only pajama pants. My eyes slide up to his face, and just like that, slow motion movements. I am seeing Matty. My mind draws a complete blank, staring at the face gazing tiredly upon mine. The air in my lungs feels pushed out of me. My heart feels as if it has stopped beating.

My grip around the umbrella recedes and falls to the floor with a loud clank. I don't take my eyes off of him as I take a slight step closer, amazed to what I am seeing. Matty is here? Matty my best friend is staring at me, in this strange apartment somewhere- but all that matters is looking at him, being in his presence!

My awe in Matty falters.

Something is wrong. Its in his eyes. He has no recognition of me whatsoever as were frozen in this perpetual stance. Realization washes over me.

No, this isn't Matty. This is that new kid at school that looks so much like him! Thousands of questions form into my head at once;  How did I get here? How could I be so foolish? How could I not tell the difference between my best friend and a stranger? My body shakes and racks with pain and such shock that its overwhelming. His mouth opens as if to say something, and then I see his teeth. His teeth are a perfect match to Matty's. I can't  take it!

I sprint towards the door, shaking as I undo the lock and after long moments I swing the door open and run. Run away from the place that brings me so much pain and sorrow as the guy calls after me. But that makes me run even faster.

A thing I don't understand is why I am running from this man as if he has done something terrible to me? I don't even know him and I treat him badly. I haven't given him a chance..

I don't want to give him a chance! No, he will never be Matty. And I don't want him to be anything like Matty! Matty wouldn't ever want me to be around this guy, he should know seeing his face gives me so much pain, not to mention the way the guy acts so much like Matty.. It just hurts to see something that you'd want to be so close to you.. yet you know it is so far away.

I look up to see where I'm walking and see I'm in front of the Starbucks that's close to my house. Where'd that guy live anyway? He didn't look like he lives with his parents, just alone in that apartment. I feel a stiffness in my leg that had taken its effect earlier and now is just a small itchy irritation. I contemplate whether to stop by at Starbucks, but that idea is soon rejected due to no money and no reason to go in. So I push forth to my house, which is not too far off from the place I'm standing now. After walking a bit longer, I finally enter my street. And by then, the 'small itch' on my leg, is a dull pain with every step. But then again, from my knees to my feet ache so much already why would I bother to spend so much thought on the petty pain on my leg? I shake my nonsense and stare at my upcoming driveway. Completely and utterly empty. I sigh, looking down at my feet as I walk, it making a 'skin-slapping-on-pavement' sound. I notice one of my pant legs is rolled up- or cut off. I stop, bend over and investigate the shorter pant leg and see the threads of the fabric poking out on the ends that it was cut off, and I start to get irritated but I see a bandage wrapped around my calf, dry blood staining the white gauze. "What the hell!" I scream out, making the nearby birds flock away. I now focus on the leg so hard I think my head is making up pain coming from it. I drag the foot to my house and grab the key in the mail slot next to the doorbell and enter, plopping myelf onto the couch and twist my leg looking further into my mysterious wound, gazing at it for several minutes before I wrap it back and focus on the TV, relaxing on the soft fabric.

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