No Turning Back

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   She wakes up, "Not again" , she's just awaken from another nightmare cursing it for not being real. Tears swell her eyes as she realizes how bad she wanted it to be. "I can't live like this." See, she like everyone at some point in her life, is incredibly insecure. Except she's different she belongs to me. No. I'm not a person, rather an existence.
    I remind her of the things she doesn't want to remember, I tell her what she tries to deny. I have my fun. I know what she hates about her life, her past, her mind, her self, me. And I use all of those things to torcher her. See, you  have absolutely no place to judge me because I'm sure there was a time where you cursed a teacher's name while they stayed up for two days grading papers, or how about your parents name while they go to work for you? You may not have your own version of me in your head, but you've experienced a pain like the kind I bring. You've put that pain on others. You've walked by the kid getting bullied without saying a word.

And you

Like her

Are just



Welcome. We call this play land. This is a story of a girl who feels tormented and trapped in her own mind. The story of a girl who slit her wrists while she talked you out of suicide, the girl who so desperately wanted to save the world while hers was burning, caving in on itself and the screams so loud even you can hear them. If you're quiet enough. This girl fights me day to day and the reason why you've absolutely no place to judge me is because while she was crying in the corner, I was there. While she was silent while the group of bullies had there fun, I was there. While she was waking up in sweat from relentless nightmares, while she was begging herself not to relapse, while she was forcing herself to eat, while she was not in recovery but slowing the disease, I was there. It is oh so hard to get rid of your deamons when they're the only ones that hold you in the dark.

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