An Opportunity

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One day, Sakura was on homeroom working on math, when she heard her name on the intercom.

"Sakura Matoi, please come to Lady Satsuki's Office." Said Gagamoori

She walked through the hallways until she found Lady Satsuki's office,

She was greeted by Lady Satsuki when she arrived and She motioned for her to sit down.

"Hello, Sakura, I have called you here because I have heard you Excell at Science and Technology, and I would like to offer you an internship at out Science and Technology department, you will help them with there projects and experiments, and when you are experienced enough, you can make your own weapon,but when you aren't there, you will be helping me around Honnoji Academy with Errands and such, but don't worry, we will give you a room to stay in." Said Lady Satsuki.

"Thank you very much, I won't let you down, Lady Satsuki" replied Sakura.


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