Book One

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---------- Chapter One ----------

The sirens started blaring in our ears, and the bright red lights started flashing all around us. I quickly grabbed Addie's arm and pulled her towards the door to the underground shelter. As tears started to swell in the corners of her eyes, Tommy found us and we went through the safe door together. By the time we actually made it to our family's room Addie was hysterically crying. I tried to comfort her and tell her that this storm would be shorter than the others, but we all knew better. About an hour or two later Addie had fallen asleep and Ruth was fast asleep in her lap. Ruth had always been a good dog. I got her for my seventh birthday about nine years ago and she had always been there to comfort us.

Suddenly all the lights turned off and I knew that would be the last electricity I would ever see. When the government banned the burning of fossil fuels, in attempt to fix the global warming problems, that meant that we had to say goodbye to electricity unless is was made in an environmentally healthy way like solar power or windmill generated energy. Dad and the other leaders put solar panels outside the shelter so we could try to have some electricity, and they must have been repaired hundreds of times by now, but the storms kept damaging them. We've wasted so many resources just trying to keep them running that it's almost a waist to keep them. So I think Dad said the next time they break we're not going to fix them again. At this Tommy started freaking out and that woke Addie who started crying again. Tommy started coughing and wheezing and I knew he was having one of his deadly asthma attacks. I quickly felt for his inhaler and gave it to him. He took three puffs of his inhaler but his coughing was getting worse and he was gasping for air. I grabbed a candle from our emergency drawer and tried to find a match. I finally found one and lit the candle. I handed the candle to Addie and told her to follow us. I picked up Tommy and started running to the hospital wing. I could barely see in front of us and I hit something like hard metal and fell forward dropping Tommy. I tried to stand up and a shooting pain spread through my ankle. I yelped and told Addie to run to the hospital wing and get help.

I can't believe Tommy had another asthma attack it must have been his third this week. The crazy thing is, he didn't even have asthma until the effects of global warming started kicking in. I crawled over to him and told him to sit up straight and stay calm and that everything would be okay. I heard a big bang and turned around, but I couldn't see anything. The sound of footsteps running from down the hall reassured me that help was on the way. Dan and Patrick picked up Tommy and hooked him up to a ventilator and started carrying him down the hallway. I saw Addie and she ran into my arms crying saying that she thought we were both going to die. I gave her the biggest hug and told her that we will be okay, and that she was a hero.

Barb hurried over to me and asked if I was hurt and what had happened. I told her the whole story and about how I tripped on this metal box and hurt my ankle. She helped me up and asked if I could walk, I took a step and fell flat on my face. Addie started laughing and Barb rushed over to help me up again. She said that it looked like a grade two sprain, and that I would probably have to wear a brace for a few weeks. Barb then faced me with a puzzled look on her face and asked where the metal box was that I tripped on. I turned around to show her and it was gone. "I... I... I swear it was there I don't know where it went?", Barb laughed and said, "looks like you hit your head too." Barb helped me walk, and we all went down to the hospital wing. Nonetheless all I could think about was what had happened to that metal box...

---------- Chapter Two ---------

I woke up to Allya and Jacob in my face. Allya had been my best friend since fourth grade when I moved to Pennsylvania, and Jacob was a boy from my grade who I have had a huge crush on since forever. We were the only kids from our grade that came to this safety shelter so we've all been hanging out together. I glanced around the room anxiously looking for Tommy hoping that he was okay. Allya saw the worry on my face, "don't worry, Tommy's okay he's with your mom and Addie. The doctor said he can leave tomorrow." I sighed relieved and tried to get up. Jacob and Allya helped me stand and I felt a shooting pain through my left ankle. Even though there was a brace the pain was excruciating. Jacob saw the pain on my face and offered to carry me to my room. I blushed all over and Allya shot me a glance and I knew I had to play it cool. So I said I could manage on my own, even though I clearly couldn't.

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