Sneek Peak at Book Two- The Others

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The Others...

---------- Chapter One ----------

I heard the pitter patter of feet running down the hallway and Jacob turned to smile at me. Paisley ran into our room and jumped up onto our bed, "Mommy, Daddy guess what!", Jacob sat up a little and rubbed our daughters beautiful sunny brown hair, she had gotten that from me. Her chocolatey brown eyes, which she had luckily gotten from Jacob darted back and forth between us, "Tomorrow is my birthday!", I smiled and held her hands, "You're going to be what fourteen?" She laughed, "No Mommy i'm going to be tree". She held up seven fingers and Jacob and me laughed. Paisley crawled up by our pillows and snuggled right in between us.

We slowly got up after snuggling for a while and realized we missed breakfast. I asked my assistant Margaret to have someone from the kitchen bring us up some food. I walked over to my desk and started organising some new attack plans. Jacob and Paisley danced around the room and I had to join them.

Martha, my favorite kitchen chef, knocked on the door with some leftovers from breakfast. We ate some eggs, milk and chopped tomatoes as Paisley snuggled with our cat Shadow and snuck him some of her milk.

I looked at Paisley and thought about the past. It had been almost five years since the last time I had seen Mom, Tommy, Allya and Dad, it's amazing how much your life can change within just a few weeks. It was also almost Jacob and my fifth anniversary as being married.

Mom, Tommy and Allya filled my thoughts almost everyday, we've taken over the Pennsylvanian, New York and Ohio safe houses, were also working on the Kentucky government house. They haven't been spotted at any of those and we haven't found their bodies anywhere.

Paisley laughed as Shadow curled in her lap, Paisleys laugh had become my favorite sound in the whole entire world. I smiled as Jacob grabbed my hand and squeezed it, he looked like he needed to talk. I looked at Paisley's empty plate, "Hey Paisley, do you want to go play with Aunt Addie?", she stood and jumped up and down. I laughed to myself as I stood, "I guess that means yes".

Jacob started clearing our plates as I lead Paisley down the hall to Addies room. I stood in the doorway as Addie scooped Paisley in her arms. I looked at Addie she just turned twelve, I couldn't help but feel pity for her, she had basically grown up in the safe house and without a mother or father. I wanted so bad for Paisley to have a normal childhood like Jacob and me, but I knew that would never be the case, I focused again and smiled at Paisley and Addie, "Could you play with her for a little bit?", Addie smiled and squeezed Paisleys cheeks, "You know I always will". I left down the hall back to our room.

Jacob was fumbling through a box when I walked in, Jacob turned and walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. He looked into my eyes and moved a piece of hair behind my ears, "So what's the plan for Paisley's birthday?". I thought about everything we had planned and let a frown plaster my face, tears spilled in my eyes as Jacob hugged me, "Hey Em what's wrong?", I answered in between gasps from my crying, "It's Paisley, I - I just feel so bad! She's not getting a normal childhood" Jacob looked back at me and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes, "Jacob for my third birthday I got a bunch of toys and clothes and a big party, all Paisley is getting is a stuffed animal, a dress and a small cake", I looked down and played with the hem of my shirt, "I feel like we're not giving her the childhood she deserves".

Jacob cupped my cheek forcing me to look into his eyes, "Emery this is the world we live in, I know we want to give her everything, but we're doing all we can". I sighed knowing that he was right and he wrapped me in another tight embrace. Somehow being there in his arms made me feel better. 

--- Book Two is starting to be published, please read it and leave suggestions!---

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