What if there was a fourth Sandwing Sister?

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The click of talons echoed through the sandstone halls of The Stronghold as Princess Egypt rushed towards the courtyard. Queen Oasis was just found outside the Palace... dead. Only one question remains 'who will be the next Sandwing Queen?' Oasis has four daughters Blister, Blaze, Burn and Egypt. Princess Egypt was the youngest of them all not as big as Burn but not tiny. Egypt burst into the courtyard "THE QUEEN IS DEAD!" She announced "What!" Burn spat angrily "I was about to challenge her!" Blister said nothing but her tail was lashing angrily. "Who will be her successor?" Blaze piped up, "It should be me!" Burn growled tail thrashing "After all I would crush you all like a bug!" She added "No! It should be me! I am by far the prettiest!" Blaze argued "Also most of the Sandwings like me anyways." she added, Blister's obsidian eyes flickered from one sister to the next. "I should just kill you all know!" Burn snarled "Tch I'm going to gather an army of Seawings and then you'll see." Blister said studying them, "your not the only one who can gather an army!" Burn countered "I shall gather an army of Mudwings and Skywings!" Burns wings flared, "Really? Well then I'll gather a army of Icewings and most of the Sandwings want me to be Queen too!"

All three pairs of eyes landed on Egypt who hasn't spoke since announcing the Queens death.

"You know Egypt there isn't enough room for all four of us here." Burn said suggestively, Blister's eyes lit up with interest, meanwhile Blazes expression was pure envy, "Yeah, Egypt your prettier then me...and that's not acceptable." Blaze spoke through gritted teeth. Egypt's eyes widened slightly as Burn tackled her to the hard ground knocking all the air from her lungs, Egypt lays on the ground gasping for air, Burn took advantage of this and chained her up despite the struggles and easily subdued her. Egypt growled the chains on her snout preventing her from speaking

Burn, Blister and Blaze drag a struggling Egypt to the torture room.

(gore ahead!)

The three sisters pinned Egypt to a table and Burn smirks evilly, Egypt's eyes widened in fear. Burn slowly walked over to the table and stopped beside it. "Oh poor, poor, Egypt were you really believing you could become Queen?" Burn asked shaking her head in disappointment, Blister walked up to the other side of the table "All three of us want to be Queen you know..." Blister smirked. Without warning Burn slashed her talons across Egypt's wings, spouting blood from the wound. As a response Egypt shrieked with pain, wiggling against her restraints, Blister makes multiple cuts along Egypt's tendons, screams filled the room as Blaze breathed fire on Egypt's soft under scales. Burn nodded to the others and they all stabbed their venomous tails all over Egypt's body, she shrieked more and more until her shrieks and screams died down until there was nothing at all.


It was night by the time they finished and they disposed of Egypt's body by dumping it farther north by the Icewing territory and surprisingly noone heard the screams and shrieks of Princess Egypt. The rest of the cool, crisp night was peaceful.

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